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[REQ]Need Interlude spawnlist and npc table L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 24, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all
can anyone give me his npc or/and spawnlist table for Interlude???
Im using original L2j modded to C5/Interlude so i have the jurassik park island :)
(jurrasik park...what a stupid name hhaha)

I tryied to use npc tables and spawnlist from custom interlude packs but i have some errors :P
If anyone have an interlude spanwlist or npc table plz post
Thanks again :)
see my signature...go to my sharing folder , after that go to P@NIC Pack ,download it ,extract it,take the sql files from it and do anything you want ^^

EDIT: Wrong Section btw...the other time post it at the main page or Noobies Section bro
You can download the Vault serverpack and take from there the npc.sql and spawnlist.sql tables. I think his serverpack is Interlude. And the coorect name for the Jurasic park is Imperetif(or something like that) :P
well they are all set but i hvae errors ,on the interlude island i have mobs but they are not moving the stucked or somethink :(
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