[REQUEST] 1.84.9, Server files, + Admin, client,

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
Hello. If someone here has these files or files that has latest items and all the new zones innit could share it with me. Im going to make an puplic server with like 2 or 3 sub servers with 350-400 player capacity each. Ofcourse I would prefer the files in English :)

Server specs:
Dual Xeon Quad-Core 4500MHz
12GB DDR2 1066MHz
800GB Sata
1GB/1GB Full Duplex
Server uptime allmost 98.8% (98.798% to be exact)

I was hosting few BF2142 servers but since our clan got disbanded I got no use for the server anymore, altho its free :p

Well. if someone nice shares me the files and so on I can make this happen.

Accepting GMs, post your applications on PM to me in form of:

Thank you.
yours - Tampsu
At this point I really wouldn't bother setting up a new server, about 70% of the PT fanbase is on rPT, the other 30% players other private servers so. It would be a waste of time.
Hello. If someone here has these files or files that has latest items and all the new zones innit could share it with me. Im going to make an puplic server with like 2 or 3 sub servers with 350-400 player capacity each. Ofcourse I would prefer the files in English :)

Server specs:
Dual Xeon Quad-Core 4500MHz
12GB DDR2 1066MHz
800GB Sata
1GB/1GB Full Duplex
Server uptime allmost 98.8% (98.798% to be exact)

I was hosting few BF2142 servers but since our clan got disbanded I got no use for the server anymore, altho its free :p

Well. if someone nice shares me the files and so on I can make this happen.

Accepting GMs, post your applications on PM to me in form of:

Thank you.
yours - Tampsu

your freeking kidding me on the server specs RIGHT??? fuck man... wow.... lol *drools* his PT server would pwn
Core speeds reseted back to 2.66GHz and sold 4GB ram and 2 200GB HDDs
so new specs would be:
Dual Xeon Quad-Core 2.66GHz
8GB DDR2 1066MHz
400GB Sata
1GB/1GB Full Duplex
And uptime 92% due to a powercut :(