Hi Gunners, I am :newbie: but I wan to ask, is there any program/code to make GunZ offline AI/Bot. If there is, help will be really appreciated.:thumbsup:
You'd need to hook each and every character function, then code the AI. It'd take a long time to code, I'm sure. And if it was made, I doubt it could kstyle well, or at all.
hooking the character functions wouldn't actually be that difficualt, but as you said, writing the AI for something like that would be increadably annoying to say the least.
not that its impossible, its just more work that i think anyone would want to put into this game.
Yeah. I think if anyone made bots, they';d be CS-syle bots. I'd be pretty damn impressed if someone managed to make kstyling bots that were half-decent in play.