Request, Item list for cart parts and gems.

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 6, 2007
Reaction score
Anyone have a good item list for Cart par and gems? (as the topic says). I've been looking around this forum and i haven't found anyone, if you have one, please post it here :) If you have a list for normal items too you can post it here too :)

thanks in advance
// S4nD1s
It's in the Downloads sticky.

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How about u look in the stickys next time!
Who need Full List of Cart and Castle Gear.

I almost finish my Cart and Castle Gear research.

Reply me then i shall post.
Akai's spreadsheet file does have the information, you just have to select the tabs at the bottom of the window. Anyway, thanks for this as i needed it.
could someone post an ID and Type for Aries Stone? There is no such type of id in any available items list. This Item is required for crafting wings.
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