[Request] itemscript editing ryl part 1

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 23, 2006
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Hi i am wondering if anyone knows how to add/remove item stats in itemscript.
i have tryed jsut editing itemscript.txt and that don't work.
i have converted gsf to txt and i couldnt find hex for waht i was looking for "the stat i was loookinf for is 0 right now so i can just look and find it"
I thought the ryl coder was able to edit itemscript.gsf but it crashes on trying to load it up i guess its only for ryl part 2 and not 1.
If anyone has a guide or can help me some please reply.

P.S i have edited it already in itemscript.txt "server side" and taht didnt work (im only changing stats as it seems simplest)
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gsfCoder can load all gsf types which are defined in gsfstructure.xml

and ur correct, no one has shared a ryl1 itemscript gsfstructure
:( i wish someone would share. if i ever find something worth sharing i would release it.. so far i only got BL maps to work "many already have that" =/ and umm i think thats about it :0 i might have something else but i dunno if do or don't lolz because so much has been contributed to us that i dunno if there any original thing or not that i have done :X