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[request] kgunz mrs opening

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
I have gotten my hands on an update9.mrs and was wondering if anyone knows how to open the kgunz mrs's. I know bepetemish said something about it once but I don't know his msn or anything and he might not know how so..If you know how you can add me on msn [email protected] and I will send you the mrs or via PM. Thanks.
I thought it's update8? RoA posted it?

Or is it a whole new update.mrs? *Checks KGunz*
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yea i seen all the cool items out on lg pretty cool btw i posted on another thread why not post here uhmm u released match server and a system.mrs i got your match server with quest stuff but i seem to crash everytime it loads up quest monsters..
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