[REQUEST] Looking for 兵临城下 [Bing Lin Cheng Xia] [Webgame] game files / src WebGame 

Oct 8, 2014
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Hey, I'm looking for pretty much anything about 兵临城下 (translation: Bing Lin Cheng Xia). It's a RTK strategy web game that was really popular in Vietnam in the late 2000s and early 2010s (with the name Linh Vuong).

The game was developed by Hangzhou Tianjifeng Digital Entertainment Co.,Ltd and release in Vietnam under VTC Online, and then SLG.

Here is the URL to the Chinese version (not sure if still active nor not):
Facebook fanpage for the Vietnamese release (inactive):

Some screenshots:

nhatminhbeo - [REQUEST] Looking for 兵临城下 [Bing Lin Cheng Xia] [Webgame] game files / src - RaGEZONE Forums

nhatminhbeo - [REQUEST] Looking for 兵临城下 [Bing Lin Cheng Xia] [Webgame] game files / src - RaGEZONE Forums

nhatminhbeo - [REQUEST] Looking for 兵临城下 [Bing Lin Cheng Xia] [Webgame] game files / src - RaGEZONE Forums
I did a quick search and didn't find anything specifically about this one, but I did find what appears to be a modern version, it's just that some sites have to create an account and others have to pay, you can try them out by searching

兵临城下 [一键安装]

to find this exact content I believe it is complicated, due to the difference in language but I think it's best for you to try look for it than someone sends you. it's very lucky someone has it, I hope you succeed bro