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[Request] No corrupt images default.mrs

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Exactly, a default.mrs with no corrupt images a.s.a.p. that CAN be edited.

Thanks, credits go out to who helps first.

This are the corrupt images:

btn_chk - 100% sure it's the CHECK on options checkboxes.
button_glow - no idea
frame_b - no idea
frame_t - no idea
in_key - no idea
main_bg_b - no idea
main_bg_t - no idea
no_emblem - Probably the "no emblem" pic when u have no emblem in CW server CC?
tooltip_edge01 - duh... obvious.

thats BDSX(mysever) defualt.mrs

if you want the nomal ones just download kgunz(dont update or any think)
install, open winrar goto defualt.mrs(in winrar) then right click on default.mrs and click repair file, then click on tret as zip file and repair, then unzip it!
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thats BDSX(mysever) defualt.mrs

if you want the nomal ones just download kgunz(dont update or any think)
install, open winrar goto defualt.mrs(in winrar) then right click on default.mrs and click repair file, then click on tret as zip file and repair, then unzip it!

So let me get this straight, if you repair it before you mrs decompress the files don't get corrupt? That's nice!

By the way, thanks to you two!

I'll be using Reone's one since it suits my needs in perfection, so here it is, for those who want it a link for A VERY GOOD default.mrs with NO corrupt images AT ALL: http://forum.ragezone.com/gunz-releases/release-default-mrs-219363.html use it and you won't regret it! All credits to the creator, Reone.
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Yes, people like you that judge the others because when they're working 'till 2 AM on a server they miss a good default.mrs they should be "lazy"... I can't stand people like you with pre-judgements, in order to do a good judgement of someone try knowing something about them, you're just a psychology wannabe.
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