[Request]Non-debug Gunz Client

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 15, 2007
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I am requesting a non-debug server client, with xtrap removed of course...
Just dont like the ugly purple thing when i have locator running =]
Euhm like I said just remove it with olly... I forgot how but I did that once.
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Since I know the general population here has a 5th grade reading level, I'll spare you the trouble of learning something and tell you what I did.

Assuming you're using a typical December runnable, to remove dev mode go to 49FC15 (a three line function) and change the MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+230] (the EAX+xxx) might vary) to MOV AL, 0.

If you can't get to that address, go to 49B810 in GunzOld.exe, and look for clues around that spot that you can search for in your newer one.

If this still doesn't work, look up Braxis' tutorial on enabling dev mode and see if you can go backwards.

EDIT: Here's my working function, no longer three lines but dev mode is gone. Make sure the function after it (also shown) is two lines. Might need some NOPing.

CALL [i]RunnableName.offset[/i]

MOV EAX,[i]RunnableName.offset[/i]
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wow i did it first shot, simple and cool, let's test now, i,ll do a lot of others lil tutorials and release the executable here

Edit : It looks like when i open the game and wait like 10 seconds at the login screen, theg ame crashes, wtf???
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Mine doesn't crash at all, are you sure you did it completely right? I can't test connecting to a server or anything since I don't have locator working, but I'm sure it's fine.

If it doesn't work for you, all I can recommend is NOPing the XOR and ADD lines, since it's supposed to be a three line function anyway. I can't tech support from here, sadly.

Also, did you do anything else to the runnable other than what was specified? This might not be the issue.

Edit: By the way, I did have a crashing issue, though it happened before getting to the login screen. Here's my code for reference:
InnerDark - [Request]Non-debug Gunz Client - RaGEZONE Forums
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See my edit. When changing to MOV AL,0, it's possible that the stuff below it will turn into nonsense. Just make it look like the picture I posted, I'm not here to teach you how to use Olly. We all learned how to NOP well over a year ago.
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why not ?

Edit : Looks like if my server is down. it doesnt crashes, cause there is nothing in the server list, maybe it's my Hamachi IP thats makes it all fucked up?

Edit 2 : No it's not
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