I'm using ShadowMadness' Pack and I was wondering if any1 has a Puss the cat files or smth.. ppl are gettin' really frustrated doing quest (lazy noobs ). So can any1 give me files ONLY for Puss the cat ? I'd VERY thankful !
Think you have it, Test this ingame:
//spawn Puss_the_cat
If it dosent work test:
//spawn Roy_the_Cat
If that dosent work test:
//spawn Buzz_the_cat
If that dosent work, look in ur DB files after Roy the car OR puss the cat OR buzz the cat and look at tiere ID!
Yeah... I could only spawn Roy the Cat, but the problem is that he says: There is no class changes for you any more.
but my non-admin char is lvl 45 without any class changes.