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request "Quick Spawn Creator"

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if any1 still have "Quick Spawn Creator" by [HOAX]Salvation
plz post for me thnax u !
i use search but dl link dont work! ^^

Man if noone update it until tonight i upload it at home.
But common theres nothing hard about creat a spawn.

(genmonster (index 69696) (map 0) (area 69696) (max 1) (cycle 1) (rect 8046 8171 8092 8195))

puppi said:
- index: the index we gave the mob in InitMonster.
- map: the map where it will spawn (0 is outside)
- area: unique index for the spawn
- max: max number of mobs spawned at a time
- cycle: how long will it take to respawn when 1 mob is killed. 1 is instant, higher number -> longer wait
- rect: this is a rectangle that defines the spawn area. The numbers are coordinates of the corners of the rectangle (x,y, x2,y2).

Bodonko said:
Lets say s/w = (257925 276013 16966) and n/e = (258648 276331 16811)

Now how to get (rect x y x2 y2) out of this coordinates?
Easy, take the first number of s/w coord. and divide it by 32 = x
Second number of s/w divided by 32 = y
First number of n/e divided by 32 = x2
Second number of n/e divided by 32 = y2

So the coordinates for the spawn rectangle would be:
(rect 8060 8625 8082 8635)

That simple.

EDIT: Uuuuuups toke me to long to write this :P
Sry Dope
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i know this prob a noob question and i am a noob ,
i replaced a few mobs in my server just by changin the index etc.. but i want to make mobs spawn where i want them to spawn not where they already are, coz i want to fill some empty space , i type /set frame and get the information in the top left of the screen from what i can gather i use the numbers after SERVER as the coordiantes just like typing /coordinates but how do i figure out the S/W and N/E coordiantes , i got some coordinates and wrote them down moved a bit and got thoes then used one set for S/W and one for N/E i do the calculations and get the rect but when i put mobs in there not there , can anyone help me with this pls
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creatin a spawn:
choose the left down corner then "/coordinates" write down the numbers do the same with the upper right corner then divide all numbers with 32
13289/32 4523423/32 (just the 4 first numbers of your solution)
423423/32 2423423/32

after that, you should have a spwan like this 1233 4324 5343 2345 (just an example ^^)
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