[Request] Somebody that understands something in Hex

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Loyal Member
Nov 5, 2006
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Hello, just learned by RoA that it exits a GunZ Developper Runnable or whatever, searchec on google, found a tutorial, tried to follow it. Then i realised that hexadecimal isnt for me, i really doesnt understand anything.

I tried to create a runnable or to do minor tuts to learn but got stuck again, i would really like someone to assist me or do it for me, but i would really prefer someone to assit me.

We could do lot of things with that Dev Mode enabled Gunz.exe, like get very good coords and stuff.
1.) olly displays asm not hex
2.) if your trying to make a runnable with a current gunz.exe those tuts wont work.
3.) maiet removed dev mode from the gunz.exe about a year ago.
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i have the gunz.exe (not runnable cause i cant create it since i have no talent in ollydbg) of like 2005 gunz and i have test.txt and gunzold.exe so what now?

EDIT: WAIT, by dev mode do you mean debug mode? cause i have a Gunz Runnable with debug mode activated, but i don't got all the stuff on your screenshots!

Edit 2 : And i must know the commands to see the things, i know F9 is for FPS but the rest???
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