[Request] Titanium Sets on c5,Dusk Sword/Shield and Nobless Skills & Quest of it L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 3, 2006
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Can anyone make a share for Titanium Sets,Dusk Sword/Shield and Nobless Skills + Quest on P@NIC Serverpack ?
help me ? ^^

fatalitydeath other time think before posting pls.. i just wanted someone to help ..not to have fun with me..got it ? if you can't help just don't post and ignore..

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bro if someone make a share he will help not only me...i said what i want to have...if someone can give me some only skills or something it will be nice...i think more ppl will need these too...
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wel man i can serach and find the skill of nobless but no are the legals skill are custom that i said before xD....

Remember is HARD Find the Real effect of hero or nolbess skills, i said we must use CUSTOMs efects
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i search about 5-6 hours per day but i can't find something...so can you do me a favor to search for me too ? because you can know a better site or something...

P.S i am ok with Custom things..i just want them to work
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ok jujo just help me search...after that ill make a big file including all so all will have them and they can choose from there ;)
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bro if someone make a share he will help not only me...i said what i want to have...if someone can give me some only skills or something it will be nice...i think more ppl will need these too...

well ..i did know the search button was disabled when i posted !
but its not an excuse !! ur problem was posting 100 times !!
so i will not say try to search but LEARN how to search,

anyway click here (its the good one this time :p)
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Hey Guys:

Answers Here About my Thread!

1st:Titanium Sets
2nd:Dusk Sword/Shield
3rd:Nobless SKills
4th:Nobless Quest

All in my Sharing Folder...!!!

Press Here-->>>
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