[Request] tut for puting in you own items!

1> Make a new Tga.dds
2> hex edit the elu file
3> search for the tga name in the elu and change it to your name.
4> search for eq_*** in the elu file and change it in any other number or something
5> save the elu with an other name.
6> add the elu to your man01 or woman01.xml
7> add the parts to your zitem.xml
8> done!!

It worked for me. but it wont work with every elu file.
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1> Make a new Tga.dds
2> hex edit the elu file
3> search for the tga name in the elu and change it to your name.
4> search for eq_*** in the elu file and change it in any other number or something
5> save the elu with an other name.
6> add the elu to your man01 or woman01.xml
7> add the parts to your zitem.xml
8> done!!

It worked for me. but it wont work with every elu file.

or you could do it the easy way by going with rotana ;D
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cracking elus???

Yes, what i ment by that is:

1 - Figure out How to View the ELU's Contents
2 - Figure out How the hell your going to edit them
3 - Figure out how your going to re-compile the elu.

Currently theirs no way to edit the elu's without hex editing them. The program they used is GameSpace or somthing like that but it requires a certain plugin.
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