[Request]Warcraft Sig

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 5, 2006
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hey guys, can anyone good at photoshop CS2 make a siggy for me? Sorry if im wasting your time to make this, thanks alot for your help =]

Text: lawstahz

Size: 468x125 [Max Size]

Specific pictures/renders:
duckky - [Request]Warcraft Sig - RaGEZONE Forums

Colour: Anything good

Style: (Grunge, vector, tech, dark, light, ...): hmm... the style i would like.. no LIGHT please, dark or anything exept light would be good.

Thanks for your help
Darks sigs with a dark render suck imho...and I cant do it I tried it didnt came out good sorry.
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Pieman! I would like to see what you did, cause im out of insparation. Couldnt think of any thing that would fit that discription.
oh... nm about the light, you can add some light to the sig if you want

EDIT: O_o Pieman and CrownC making sig.. gonna be pro =]
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