Requiem: Memento Mori Private Server/Core/Emulator please...

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Newbie Spellweaver
May 23, 2012
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I only speak English, so please, Reply in ENGLISH. Thank you.

First of all, YES, I am aware that ThreeSix started and stopped an Emulator for Requiem and is no longer working on it as far as I can find.

I really want someone to work on an Emulator/Core for Requiem: Memento Mori.
It is hands down the best and only Horror MMO I've played.
I really want to see a Private Server Core made and released so I can host some LAN parties with my friends.

Before anyone asks or says "Why not do it yourself?" ...
Because I wouldn't know where to start.
I don't know any coder languages.
The only code I know is old butt HTML. :laugh:

I would like to see it done with MySQL so I can dive into the databases and find the item, quest, and creature IDs.

What I'm looking for in a Requiem Core:
  1. A Core similar to WoW TrinityCore. Using MySQL Database. For ease of use with Navicat Lite and/or HeidiSQL.
  2. World Config file similar to WoW Trinity core with at least the following:
    • Starting Lant #
      • Lant is easy. 100 = 100 Lant. 5000000 = 5000000 starting Lant.
    • EXP Rate #
      • Settings like: 0.5 for Half of normal, 1 for Normal, 1.5 for One and a Half times normal, 2 for Double Normal, etc... All the way to 100 times normal for those "Fun Servers"
    • Drop Rate # (Similar to EXP Rate but for Item Types)
      • Ordinary #
      • Supernus #
      • Eximus #
      • Rare #
      • Carus #
    • Skill Points per Level # (Simple, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc...)
    • Possession Beast Skill Points per Level # (Simple, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc...)
    • Maximum Usable DNA Points # (Default 50)
      • On live servers, you can use 50 points max. You get 25 to start, 5 from a quest reward at level 75, and you can purchase 25 from the Item Mall.
    • Reinforcement Success Chance #
      • Reinforcement has a max level of +30. As you add a +, the % chance of a Success goes down.
      • This sets it so whatever % you put here, that is the chance it will always be. So if you put in 100, it will always have a 100% chance of being a Success.
    • Reinforcement Break Chance #
      • Same as Success Chance, but reverse. As you add a +, the chance of the item breaking goes up in %. Setting this to 0 (zero) will mean items will never break. When an item breaks, it is GONE and you have to get a new one and start all over again.
    • Enchanting Success Chance #
      • Same as Reinforcement. Entering 100 means it will always have a 100% success rate.
    • Anything interesting you find while working on the core or with the packets.
  3. Simple and easy to use/remember GM Commands. Some things like:
    • /additem
    • /addlant
    • /completequest
    • /addgmitems
  4. Maybe a built in Auction House Bot that you can configure in a file. (Not a must have, just something to think about.)
That is all I can think of right now.

If anyone is interested in working on this, I won't be able to help with the Code. However, I can help with testing, I have several characters on the live server and I know almost every quest, mob, boss, item, and skill.

Please, if you are interested, reply. If not, I don't need flamers or useless replies.

Newbie Spellweaver
May 23, 2012
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the only way you will be able to find an emulator with your specific requirements is if you code it yourself
Well, I've looked all over the net. The only Emulator that was being made for Requiem was being done by ThreeSix, and in fact he has a topic on this site that is dated and states he has stopped working on it. I used the Search before I made this request!

Other then that, I have found nothing about Requiem: Memento Mori private servers or Emulators/Cores.

As I stated in the OP, I don't know any code languages so I wouldn't know the first thing about making one myself.

It is the only Horror MMO I've ever found, I'm shocked that there isn't work being currently done towards a Emulator/Core for it. Seeing as how this site alone has work going for dozens of MMOs.

Thus the [Request] tag to see if anyone would be interested in making one.
Mar 11, 2007
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if you weren't able to find anything, it means nobody is doing anything (publicly that is) and emulators just don't grow on trees, the emulator you quoted (TrinityCore) took many years to develop, and it still isn't in an amazing state. In order to do a proper emulator of a game you need 5-6 professional programmers/reverse engineers working on it for 2-3 years at the very least, and that is even given that they will work on it for no money for that long not to mention all the updates that will occur in that time, the game company can just redo everything internally and boom all the work you just did for the past 2 years rendered useless (for current versions). The reason why not many emulators exist is because they are difficult to make, take lots of time to do properly, and require extensive knowledge of many different subjects. So not to sound like an butt, but what you want will never exist unless you or somebody very dedicated will work on it.

PS: Also F2P games rarely get emulators made for them, the reason why WoW had such a strong emulation scene was because private servers were very lucrative for it
Newbie Spellweaver
May 23, 2012
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I see your points and understand that making an Emulator/Core is a task.

I was only giving an example of what a Requiem Emu would be like. I know an Emu for Requiem would take a while to make.

I simply want to see if anyone is interested in working on this, like ThreeSix did a while back.

I think having a Requiem Emu would be sweet. If I knew how, I would try it myself starting now. But I'm limited to my knowledge of old basic HTML. It would probably take me years to learn these C# and C++ in order to even think about starting ><
YEy i has custom title^_^
Sep 29, 2006
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if you want emulator like that you better do it yourself like cmb said before, or hire a team of programmers to do it for you
either way it would takes years of development to get it to the state you are requesting.
so if you really want that i suggest you to pick up few programming books and then when you feel safe enough to try this, try form a team and see what happens
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