To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Password ?
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Pass: Dan0011vm client rar password ?
Pass: Dan0011Password ?
Dan0011Password ?
The used client of ICARUS is 1.18.28 101xp If I am correct. You can use valofe client as well from their this lastest version?
How to set up a GM account and how to open the GM panel, does anyone know?
I would also like to know if someone could explain to me how to convert XML to SXB, I want to translate the game texts to another language, but I didn't understand how to convert from XML to SXB, I can convert SXB to XML, but not the other way around.
SXB Converter
Nobody knows how to translate the client?
I want to translate to Portuguese.
I've tried countless times to convert the translated XML file to SXB using SXB converter but it doesn't work, someone please help me with this.
GM Account
I need to know how to make my character a GM, without the GM functions it is impossible to manage a server properly.
I don't know how to properly configure the database and I also haven't found even a single GM command to use.
Please someone help.