RM 4 Issue

Junior Spellweaver
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone figure out the issue with getting map 68 the beginners zone to start?

I know there is an issue with new characters being created and not getting to the beginners zone. But I haven't gotten that far.

My RM 4 seems to start all maps okay but it won't kick off 68 at all... I get the hour glass spin like its going to start but then nada. All other maps start but 68 for some reason is a no go. Checked the ini files and all looks good, its got its own port and it's set to load in the ini.

I get no errors just no map start. Arrgh .. lol always something!:music_band:
Probably a dumb question, but did you check to see if the Map00068.smm is in your server's Bin\Data\Map folder. I'm no expert at 4.4 but I know that when I messed around with it I didn't have any problems with that map.
Tx for the reply, I've checked the folders for the relative file and it's there.
I'm not sure what it's doing tho. I can start all maps except for 68 in 4.x

I've scoured for another set of server files but I'm going back to what I managed to pull from the forum a ways back that I happened to burn on CD.

Copied it over from the cd just to make sure but still can't fire up the 68.

You say that your new characters pop onto the beginners zone when starting out? Good to know so must be something goofy I've overlooked.

We managed to get a pretty decent 3.8 fast track server running but we soon discovered that once you Hero, you can't stage any more items passed a certain point as you can never get enough xp when you lvl to get them one notch higher. So we thot it's time to take a crack a 4.x and see if it plays out any better.

Tx again for the comments.. appreciate your activity on the forum.
Thot it was near dead ... ;)
I would say it might be a problem with the router not accepting data on that port, but if that was the case it would at least be giving an error.

If all else fails you could always reinstall a fresh load of windows on a diff hdd (if you got one available) and see if you can take a fresh install and get it working again. If so it would just be a matter of adding one the things you've modified back to the server and see if it still bugs out. Nothing else, it'll give you an idea if it's your hardware or something screwey in your files.

The comment you made about the beginers zone working for me, was not true to start. I had to use a trigger on the GameID table if I remember correctly, so it would automatically change it when the toon is made. Not a problem since I normally have that setup to give a few extra things to the chartacter anyways ;)

Hope it works out, if there's anything else I can think of I'll post it.

Tx again... I remember seeing a trigger to fix that issue. Did you create yours or was it something you downloaded? If you downloaded it perhaps its the same thing I had applied originally and neglected to remember to do it again. I'll have to scour some archives and see if I can find my notes with the query in it. Tx for that heads up, it may very well solve my problem.