Anyone figure out the issue with getting map 68 the beginners zone to start?
I know there is an issue with new characters being created and not getting to the beginners zone. But I haven't gotten that far.
My RM 4 seems to start all maps okay but it won't kick off 68 at all... I get the hour glass spin like its going to start but then nada. All other maps start but 68 for some reason is a no go. Checked the ini files and all looks good, its got its own port and it's set to load in the ini.
I get no errors just no map start. Arrgh .. lol always something!:music_band:
I know there is an issue with new characters being created and not getting to the beginners zone. But I haven't gotten that far.
My RM 4 seems to start all maps okay but it won't kick off 68 at all... I get the hour glass spin like its going to start but then nada. All other maps start but 68 for some reason is a no go. Checked the ini files and all looks good, its got its own port and it's set to load in the ini.
I get no errors just no map start. Arrgh .. lol always something!:music_band: