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rMap 2.7 - RYL Map Editing Software

Public Structure VertexPositionColor Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information.
Public Structure VertexPositionColorTexture Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, color, and one set of texture coordinates.
Public Structure VertexPositionNormalTexture Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position, normal data, and one set of texture coordinates.
Public Structure VertexPositionTexture Describes a custom vertex format structure that contains position and one set of texture coordinates.

common data.

I think the .z3m format uses the Z3DBlend2Vertex structure.

struct Z3DBlend2Vertex
vector3 pos;
float bfactor;
BYTE mtrx_id[2];
vector3 normal;
vector3 u;
float tu;
float tv;
BYTE lodLevel;
I knew it Alpha wasnt a villain... He is a amazing guy, in all Ryl scenary...THe most amzing things created...He is the man...thnks for help Alpha :)
Alpha, i tried to open zone9, and this appeared:
System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes)
at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadSingle()
at rMap.Zalla.HeightTable.LoadFrom(BinaryReader br)
at rMap.Zalla.SceneLoader.LoadHightables(BinaryReader br, UInt32 count)
at rMap.Zalla.SceneLoader.Load(Byte[] data, Int32 zone)
at rMap.Zalla.Scene.Load(Byte[] data, Int32 zone, ISceneLoader loader)
at rMap.rMapForm.<>c__DisplayClass9.<Import>b__5()
at rMap.AsyncLoaderA.Run()
at rMap.AsyncLoaderBase.ThreadStart()

I used at options, the crypto key cjsgkdmlTlqkfshaemfdmlwktlsdjqtsmsgkfn.
Alpha, i tried to open zone9, and this appeared:
System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes)
at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadSingle()
at rMap.Zalla.HeightTable.LoadFrom(BinaryReader br)
at rMap.Zalla.SceneLoader.LoadHightables(BinaryReader br, UInt32 count)
at rMap.Zalla.SceneLoader.Load(Byte[] data, Int32 zone)
at rMap.Zalla.Scene.Load(Byte[] data, Int32 zone, ISceneLoader loader)
at rMap.rMapForm.<>c__DisplayClass9.<Import>b__5()
at rMap.AsyncLoaderA.Run()
at rMap.AsyncLoaderBase.ThreadStart()

I used at options, the crypto key cjsgkdmlTlqkfshaemfdmlwktlsdjqtsmsgkfn.

Then it's the wrong key for your map.
Yeah , i think it is...But, how to discover the right key? More guys, tried to open the zone9, and nothing . I thought that key you said at your forum, was the right one.
Yeah , i think it is...But, how to discover the right key? More guys, tried to open the zone9, and nothing . I thought that key you said at your forum, was the right one.

The first, short one, has worked for me just fine. You can even see some screens somewhere. The long one is the actual key they used, they just messed up their own code and it didn't use all chars. Somewhere i heard they had fixed the bug.
Awesome release alpha . I've waiting for this moment and thank you for the download links. Long live RYL ! Let's make this happends and hope the game will never dies! Wish also there's a good supporter and good admin thou.
Yeah , i think it is...But, how to discover the right key? More guys, tried to open the zone9, and nothing . I thought that key you said at your forum, was the right one.

Like this? :P

alphaest - rMap 2.7 - RYL Map Editing Software - RaGEZONE Forums