ROFL - Capricorn Banned Again

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poor cap :(

ill talk to yas! :) pity u got banned tho. i aint seen owt u should be banned for *sigh*

rules be rules *sigh*
I have been banned too, MentaL is acting like the dumb **** as always.

He never trys to fix things but let things run and when it goes to far he bans.
For that you always have been a **** "leader" you never did **** for keeping things down, you always letted things run, and then all the sudden ban a person/
Samething with mods, you never ever done crap about when mods fought in the staff forum.

Face it, you can't control this forum, you just like so many others can't put personal stuff and mod things aside from each other.

Just look at the last couple of days since i'm gone, it's 1 ******* spam fest (and dont just look at me) people can get around with cancer jokes without getting warned and your banning 2 of the most long standing members.

Your a great guy untill **** happens, then you back away, same with NeoSparky.
As a mod you cant back away, you need to go right at it, and thats why i was hated by many, because they didnt liked it when i moderated them, but hey **** had to happen, and with my control no 1 tried all kind of ****.
I seen what happened with this board the last time i wasnt mod, and the exact same thing happens now again, you can't control this board and you will probably close this board later today for sometime with the message "stop the crap"

Oh and make that ban 50 years because i dont give a **** anymore, this place is going down because of your and your mod "team" cant handle ****, you can get 100 mods but they all cant warn their own friends.

Here is a oppinion on all the mods.

Stri: He went totally against the rules by making jokes about cancer... oh well we just have to see if he is still alowed to say that when a member of your family has cancer.

Capricorn: only mod that is actually good, he may not be the greatest 1 but at least he doesnt let his own friends disobey the rules.

DE: He doesnt know jack about being a mod, great gm but shitty mod.

DK: another useless mod.

Jumara: dont know him but since he hosts HB and all that should be good

NeoSparky: she is totally personal, she wants to get a person banned that did nothing really wrong and let strider go with his cancer jokes, totally **** mod.

Solares: Ban him

Speedhorn: Spams to much, to many 1 replys with a laughing smilie in it. Except for that he is a ok mod.

Thedeath: well he talks trash about Johnyl1 so get rid of him

Wolfos: whatever.

Rubber Ducky said:
I have been banned too, MentaL is acting like the dumb **** as always.

He never trys to fix things but let things run and when it goes to far he bans.
For that you always have been a **** "leader" you never did **** for keeping things down, you always letted things run, and then all the sudden ban a person/
Samething with mods, you never ever done crap about when mods fought in the staff forum.

Face it, you can't control this forum, you just like so many others can't put personal stuff and mod things aside from each other.

Just look at the last couple of days since i'm gone, it's 1 ******* spam fest (and dont just look at me) people can get around with cancer jokes without getting warned and your banning 2 of the most long standing members.

Your a great guy untill **** happens, then you back away, same with NeoSparky.
As a mod you cant back away, you need to go right at it, and thats why i was hated by many, because they didnt liked it when i moderated them, but hey **** had to happen, and with my control no 1 tried all kind of ****.
I seen what happened with this board the last time i wasnt mod, and the exact same thing happens now again, you can't control this board and you will probably close this board later today for sometime with the message "stop the crap"

Oh and make that ban 50 years because i dont give a **** anymore, this place is going down because of your and your mod "team" cant handle ****, you can get 100 mods but they all cant warn their own friends.

Here is a oppinion on all the mods.

Stri: He went totally against the rules by making jokes about cancer... oh well we just have to see if he is still alowed to say that when a member of your family has cancer.

Capricorn: only mod that is actually good, he may not be the greatest 1 but at least he doesnt let his own friends disobey the rules.

DE: He doesnt know jack about being a mod, great gm but shitty mod.

DK: another useless mod.

Jumara: dont know him but since he hosts HB and all that should be good

NeoSparky: she is totally personal, she wants to get a person banned that did nothing really wrong and let strider go with his cancer jokes, totally **** mod.

Solares: Ban him

Speedhorn: Spams to much, to many 1 replys with a laughing smilie in it. Except for that he is a ok mod.

Thedeath: well he talks trash about Johnyl1 so get rid of him

Wolfos: whatever.


**** Man.........

All I Can Really Say
Rubber Ducky said:
I have been banned too, MentaL is acting like the dumb **** as always.

He never trys to fix things but let things run and when it goes to far he bans.
For that you always have been a **** "leader" you never did **** for keeping things down, you always letted things run, and then all the sudden ban a person/
Samething with mods, you never ever done crap about when mods fought in the staff forum.

Face it, you can't control this forum, you just like so many others can't put personal stuff and mod things aside from each other.

Just look at the last couple of days since i'm gone, it's 1 ******* spam fest (and dont just look at me) people can get around with cancer jokes without getting warned and your banning 2 of the most long standing members.

Your a great guy untill **** happens, then you back away, same with NeoSparky.
As a mod you cant back away, you need to go right at it, and thats why i was hated by many, because they didnt liked it when i moderated them, but hey **** had to happen, and with my control no 1 tried all kind of ****.
I seen what happened with this board the last time i wasnt mod, and the exact same thing happens now again, you can't control this board and you will probably close this board later today for sometime with the message "stop the crap"

Oh and make that ban 50 years because i dont give a **** anymore, this place is going down because of your and your mod "team" cant handle ****, you can get 100 mods but they all cant warn their own friends.

Here is a oppinion on all the mods.

Stri: He went totally against the rules by making jokes about cancer... oh well we just have to see if he is still alowed to say that when a member of your family has cancer.

Capricorn: only mod that is actually good, he may not be the greatest 1 but at least he doesnt let his own friends disobey the rules.

DE: He doesnt know jack about being a mod, great gm but shitty mod.

DK: another useless mod.

Jumara: dont know him but since he hosts HB and all that should be good

NeoSparky: she is totally personal, she wants to get a person banned that did nothing really wrong and let strider go with his cancer jokes, totally **** mod.

Solares: Ban him

Speedhorn: Spams to much, to many 1 replys with a laughing smilie in it. Except for that he is a ok mod.

Thedeath: well he talks trash about Johnyl1 so get rid of him

Wolfos: whatever.


stri aint a mod is he? o.0
speedhorn spams coz of me coming back i think.. most his spam being in last 3 days...
agree about solares.. he was a pointless mod
proof that neo lets some people get away with stuff : my post on spam was locked.. she online, but the post by jerre isnt locked (love)
capricorn - damned good mod
DE - good gm, fair mod, and does the right thing...

mental - banning 2 many people for doing nowt wrong.

Rubber Ducky said:
What many dont understand is that i ran this board pretty much alone, i did 90% of the modding and i was the person that had to tell all the people to back off when they broke the rules.

bah. another person ill have to spam...

mental should bring back the old mods...

even if im not on the list if he brings back, i dont care. at least they were fair...


all good mods.
DTB - Agreed
DE - Although he doesnt do much he also doesnt do anything wrong, i would leave him on mod
Johnyl1 - He needs to be it because he runs RZ, but except for that then he wouldnt be needed
GohanSSJ - Hell yeah
Capricorn - Hell yeah
Morphix - Hell no
Strider - Hell no
Twatters - Dont know
Bazi - Holy ****, never in my life, he did the worst job ever, he did it so bad that i even banned him straight from mod.
-Stri- said:
Was I makin a fukin joke, I DONT FIND YOU FUNNY AT ALL
You tried to be ******* funny, you broke the rules big time, only since neo probably is getting all horny over you that thats why she didnt do jack about it.

Oh and dont start feeling good now, because there is nothing to be proud of, NOTHING AT ALL.
Rubber Ducky said:
DTB - Agreed
DE - Although he doesnt do much he also doesnt do anything wrong, i would leave him on mod
Johnyl1 - He needs to be it because he runs RZ, but except for that then he wouldnt be needed
GohanSSJ - Hell yeah
Capricorn - Hell yeah
Morphix - Hell no
Strider - Hell no
Twatters - Dont know
Bazi - Holy ****, never in my life, he did the worst job ever, he did it so bad that i even banned him straight from mod.

fairy snuff.... i know me n stri did a good job on the general forums tho... no spam on there for the 3 months we modded. :)
morph was a good mod on DTB's forum.

bazi.. well i quit about that time, so...
Rubber Ducky said:
You tried to be ******* funny, you broke the rules big time, only since neo probably is getting all horny over you that thats why she didnt do jack about it.

Oh and dont start feeling good now, because there is nothing to be proud of, NOTHING AT ALL.

Why would I be feeling good, you dont seem to get it, i dont find you funny, full stop.
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