Rohan Online lv115 Hero Skill Server File + DB + Client

Reupload Hero III server Files Please !

Reupload Hero III Server Files Please !:):
The files that were posted in this thread never were Hero III server files. Perhaps you should make your own thread? Nobody will post them in this thread. All you gonna get is the same old buggy hero I files - if you get anyone to re-upload them at all.
Like this one !!!!

Senzoku - Rohan Online lv115 Hero Skill  Server File + DB + Client - RaGEZONE Forums

What i need for that?
i moved the files to the host pc
and now im getting http error,if anyone has a good xampp and rohan auth please share
can you share your tool to convert bin to text?
<--- It is in there. Take some time and look. Nobody will just hand it to you.
How to put starting items in event inventory? and how i edit existing beginner item?

To do that I would need to teach you MSSQL stored procedures and the Rohan table structure. I will not do that. Look in your rohan tables and stored procedures & figure it out.
Yes BananaBandit i want to know how to use MSSQL stored procedure i have local server now and its running fine all info i found here in forum to build my own server ^_^ can you please teach me how to use mssql? because i want to put starting item and edit the existing item :(
Sir can i request sample picture or videos how to create teleport scroll to upper or any map without npc

my DB hero II... how to get Database Hero III? can i... to get that link? plssss
Not all servers locate them in the same place. So it depends on your client, server and world files. You were already told this in other forums.
Yeah Mr. Banana,

I need help on this, so I post new topic in elite forum too.
which world folders/files related to these maps, could you please show me, so I can work with them to add to my server and client.My server currently includes all maps from 0-1...6-3. I can see another maps in there but don't know how to add and check."ConnMap"="0-2|0-3|0-4|1-0|1-1|1-2|1-3|1-4|2-0|2-1|2-2|2-3|2-4|3-0|3-1|3-2|3-3|3-4|4-0|4-1|4-3|4-4|4-5|5-0|5-1|5-2|5-3|5-4|5-5|6-0|6-1|6-2|6-3|"Another problem, I can not go to instance zone (in Craft Studio), could you please suggest me? Many thanks
any can help me? why always crash n display like that REMOVED REMOVED