ROM DB Editor

Hi @MunkyCS

Me and my friends are testing my server edited with your tool, we've seen if we select the same edited npc's shop, the interface of the first person be has clicked npc disappear.
Do you have the same error or is a bug on my files?

I guess it´s an bug in the files itself, because on nexon there was the same bug for example at the proof of legend trader, but im not quite sure if this is the reason, was just my first thought.Does it happen on every edited npc?
search either by item ID or search by name without checkbox being checked. there you will see string entries which you can easily alter.
search either by item ID or search by name without checkbox being checked. there you will see string entries which you can easily alter.

sure i know how to use the program is easy, but i mean Fields can not be modified see here.

any tips?

first thank you for this editor
but i have a problem with editing items
it doesnt work for me to change the item so that there are more stats on it. when i change items that have normally 1 stat on it, they get 1 random stat even when i edit treasureobject
on items that have normally 2 stats (like easy mode drops) i get 2 stat max on it
i find no more ways to change the item
hey MunkyCS

again, great editor, thank you.

I have a short question.
I set up my server again and now every change I made in the editor, the skill and buff description won`t change.
The skill effect itself change but the description not.

for example: I edit my mount speed from 70% to 200%. I will get the effect but the buff description still says 70%.
Before everything was fine. Do you have an idea why the description won`t change?

kalle101 have you got the saved *.db file in c:\runewaker\resource\data for the server, and you can also put the same file in the game folder \runes of magic\data

If you don't put it in the game folder you wont see descriptions changed. So you need to put it in both places, Server and Game
kalle101 have you got the saved *.db file in c:\runewaker\resource\data for the server, and you can also put the same file in the game folder \runes of magic\data

If you don't put it in the game folder you wont see descriptions changed. So you need to put it in both places, Server and Game

Man thank you very much :): that was the solution.
Put data folder in client game and description changed now!
I had the same problem when i first used the great tool he made. Actually I also didn't know the server needed a data folder separate from the fdb folder my first time. But you can have fun with it, like recently I change Knight Warrior's Authoritative Deterrence buff to last 1 hour instead of 3 seconds. Just for giggles.
I wonder if its possible to change the gear a class can wear.
For example I would like to let my priest wear chain gear.

Is this maybe possible with this editor or even another solution for this?

that would be awsome :wink:

Can you please explain me how to do?
I found something in buff --> ability --> stats called WearEqAbility... so I changed it to light armor and value from 0 to 1.
Now my priest can equip chain gear. But the stats on the chain gear won`t be adopted.
for example my test chain gear have phys armor and magic armor but those stats wont take effect.

Do I need to change the value from 1 to another number to make stats on the gear be adopted from my char?


Nevermind, I think I found the problem.
For all with the same issues here`s what I`ve done:

I used an active skill before. Now I edited a passive Skill (Warrior - equip axe) and it seems to work :-).
Just like weareqabilityAXE +1 I put weareqabilityLightArmor +1 and its working.
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thank you very much this editir is very nice.

I have 2 questions.

1. how i can define an spawnpoint in a zone?
I copy an Instance and if i join to zone with ? zone 998 i spawn under the instance.

2. how i can change a portal so that i can enter with an portal there?

thank you in advance
I'm quite close to release a small update for editor this week. Now you should be able to view and edit learnmagic table contents - these are entities, each one describes what skills does sepcific class have, and also it describes it's requirements. Idially, you will be able to add new skill for classes or shuffle them in any way u want). I`m still don`t know meaning of 2 out of 6 fields in each record, as well as I don't quite understand flag entities, that are referenced in requirements.

Btw, I've released sources for that stuff to gitlab . I'd like to develop a big web-app with database browser and editor for admins, as well as admin panel for a generic RoM server, but I don't have enough time to push that by myself all alone. So I will be glad if someone will co-devolop this/new project
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I'm quite close to release a small update for editor this week. Now you should be able to view and edit learnmagic table contents - these are entities, each one describes what skills does sepcific class have, and also it describes it's requirements. Idially, you will be able to add new skill for classes or shuffle them in any way u want). I`m still don`t know meaning of 2 out of 6 fields in each record, as well as I don't quite understand flag entities, that are referenced in requirements.

Hey Munky,

It is nice to read you again here.... ;-)
I am very pleased that you update this DB Editor for this function...thank you for your work and releases :w00t: