• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

ROM DB Editor

v.0.4.1 released! Also I edited fist post to containt sources link as well
Hey Munky,

thx for your work and your update. :w00t:
But one question. You added in your post before ressurection to GM...is this possible with your updated Editor that I can assign each spell for each class!? If so, how does it work? Or how do I get to the list ? -> I'm probably a little blind :8:

Last edited:
Hey Munky,

thx for your work and your update. :w00t:
But one question. You added in your post before ressurection to GM...is this possible with your updated Editor that I can assign each spell for each class!? If so, how does it work? Or how do I get to the list ? -> I'm probably a little blind :8:


You can change any existing record there. Just like for example you just change Thunderstorm to Deepsea Gail and from now on every mage will not have Thunderstorm but have Deepsea gail instead. You can also add new spells to list. Just don`t forget to increase count property. Note, theres Slot property for each record. If class has something at slot X as a spell and you add your own spell Y in the same slot, new spell Y should likely override old one. To add without overrides, select slot from not-used ones.

All laernobjects have guid in form 5900XX, where XX - class number
that`s 00 for GM, 04 for mage and so on.

Giving all spells to everyone - I dunno. You may try. However there`re some limits (in terms of count)
You can change any existing record there. Just like for example you just change Thunderstorm to Deepsea Gail and from now on every mage will not have Thunderstorm but have Deepsea gail instead. You can also add new spells to list. Just don`t forget to increase count property. Note, theres Slot property for each record. If class has something at slot X as a spell and you add your own spell Y in the same slot, new spell Y should likely override old one. To add without overrides, select slot from not-used ones.

All laernobjects have guid in form 5900XX, where XX - class number
that`s 00 for GM, 04 for mage and so on.

Giving all spells to everyone - I dunno. You may try. However there`re some limits (in terms of count)

Thank you very much Munky...I tried this and it really works :ott::w00t:
Very nice work... ;-)
Hi MunkyCS
I'm waiting for the answer to the private message that I sent to you, but I've another question for you about db edition.
I'm using older editordb for edit imageobject.db, in this db there are the ways to assign models for ID, I've updated older tomb_scarab way to nine-tails(Kitsune mount) for a correct visualize on client, but when I summon Kitsune on client, I cannot see textures.
Do you know what's the problem on this? I need to edit another thing or my editor is too old to edite anything?

Thank's for your big tool
Hi @MunkyCS
I'm waiting for the answer to the private message that I sent to you, but I've another question for you about db edition.
I'm using older editordb for edit imageobject.db, in this db there are the ways to assign models for ID, I've updated older tomb_scarab way to nine-tails(Kitsune mount) for a correct visualize on client, but when I summon Kitsune on client, I cannot see textures.
Do you know what's the problem on this? I need to edit another thing or my editor is too old to edite anything?

Thank's for your big tool

Unfortunately I haven`t worked with imageobjects much(
Jo MunkyCs,
using your editor now for months (since you released the first version) but I have a idea/a queastion: could you impliment more options for the npcs? for example change the items which the npc is trading? and for the zones, do you think you could find out how to change that some dungeons can only been run only once per day? such little things would be nice.

But all in all, +rep for your work xD


Mollo (yea I worked for initiorom)
Jo MunkyCs,
using your editor now for months (since you released the first version) but I have a idea/a queastion: could you impliment more options for the npcs? for example change the items which the npc is trading? and for the zones, do you think you could find out how to change that some dungeons can only been run only once per day? such little things would be nice.

But all in all, +rep for your work xD


Mollo (yea I worked for initiorom)
I'm working on admin panel right now (account creating from gui/ mailings items/money/...) And after that I may work on sell lists too. However, I can say nothing right now about zones/locations, I haven`t tocuh them for a year or so.
v 0.4.5 RELEASED!

  • Made object editor a separate window instead of a tab
  • Added runes object support
  • Added admin panel
    • Account tab: view/edit/add new accounts
    • Mailing tab: send money and/or items to anyone on your server (it takes up to several minutes to make mail message come to recipient)

To make admin panel work - specify Global.ini path in settings!!! Ensure Global.ini has correct SQL value set up
v 0.4.5 RELEASED!

  • Made object editor a separate window instead of a tab
  • Added runes object support
  • Added admin panel
    • Account tab: view/edit/add new accounts
    • Mailing tab: send money and/or items to anyone on your server (it takes up to several minutes to make mail message come to recipient)

To make admin panel work - specify Global.ini path in settings!!! Ensure Global.ini has correct SQL value set up

Hey Munky,

thx for release. But i can´t start the editor... :-/

2016-09-12 05_14_10-Runes of Magic Data Base Editor - ROM DB Editor - RaGEZONE Forums 2016-09-12 05_16_50-Program Manager - ROM DB Editor - RaGEZONE Forums
Hey Munky,

thx for release. But i can´t start the editor... :-/

View attachment 158088View attachment 158089

did you follow this one

If you want to save things, make sure you press SAVE button where it exists.
And also, don`t forget to go File->Save All when you want to fix your changes to your hard drive. To make things work, you need to save everything to C:\Runewaker\Client\data, then copy everything from there toC:\Runewaker\Resources\data.
The error occurs when i start (double click) romdb_editor.exe.... :-/
Try downloading again. I've fixed some things after hour or two after release and reaploaded at the same link. If error still occur after that, pm me/

Anyway, you can fix it just providing it with proper romdb.ini with contents like:
DataFdb_Path=C:\Runewaker\Rom client\FDB
DB_Path=C:\Runewaker\rom client\data\
Don`t forget to actualize paths. They are likely different
Try downloading again. I've fixed some things after hour or two after release and reaploaded at the same link. If error still occur after that, pm me/

Hey Munky,

ahhhh thx for the information. I downloaded again and it works...nice work.... :w00t:
Going to release next version (0.4.6) soon. I have done a lot of UI improvements (still many features to implement/improve).
For example, Ctrl+G (Goto object by its ID). That is a dialog for inputing arbitary object id with immediate single-object search. Pressing ok will open edit-object window for selected object. Also, if you have selected some text/number in edit object window, that looks like an object id - pressing Ctrl+G will open edit window for selected object. That makes all editing/exploring processes much faster.
Another improvement - if no romdb.ini found, Settings dialog will open + settings now support some visual validation.
I will finish my work on code templates for advanced search as well as I'd like to add support for some new object-types