ROM DB Editor


I don't need that because already I have a repack fdb, but if you want to made for forum, I guess it would be fine.

I only referred to the fdb file with his *.db

It would be nice if applied changes on old *.db(ch6 weapons,npc,treasures,...) files could save to apply in a other recent *.db(ch7) files.

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v0.4.6 released.
Many UI improvements. Among others:
  • Tool now remembers localization and offers loading your last choice
  • Made a common dialog for background processes
  • Ctrl+G, Ctrl+F (You can read a little more about Ctrl+G above)
  • Moved settings to a separate window; It shows up if no romdb.ini found;
  • Settings validation (some kind of)
  • Switched HTML render to Razor + Awesomium
  • Added templates for scripts in Advanced tab (simply loading/saving editor content as .cs file)

Btw, if you are running server and client on the same machine, then you don't need to copy all that .fdb/.db stuff all the time. It's enough to store all this only for client, set Global.ini like following:
;Resource path
DataPath       = "C:\Runewaker\RoM Client"
ResourcePath = "C:\Runewaker\RoM Client"
LuaPath        = "C:\Runewaker\Resource\LuaScript"
(assuming there is client.exe with all other files at C:\Runewaker\RoM Client).
And dont forget to set up my tool in the same way

That all will mean that your servers and your client will read all game data from the very same place (directly from client/fdb and client/data), and you now do not need to copy anything.

Ofc, you still need to distribute updated data to remote clients
yo thanks for keeping your program updating :) but I got a little problem, I allways get this error message

MunkyCS - ROM DB Editor - RaGEZONE Forums

link to the picture:
Thanks to your contribution I managed to create a title with a moded (supersayan) skill XDD, many thanks @MunkyCS




  • RAScrnShot_20160926_214309 - ROM DB Editor - RaGEZONE Forums
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yo thanks for keeping your program updating :) but I got a little problem, I allways get this error message

MunkyCS - ROM DB Editor - RaGEZONE Forums

link to the picture:

The same mistake was when I copied the folders and FDB WDB with Russian game client. DB Editor worked without this error when I replaced this folder file from the English client =)

Такая же ошибка возникла, когда я скопировал папки FDB и WDB из русского клиента игры. После замены этих папок из английского клиента все работает нормально =)
Why are there no results?

var list = db.Weapons	.Where(item =>        item.Limits.MinLevel >= 50 &&        item.Type == WeaponType.Bow &&        item.ActualDPS > 0        ).OrderByDescending(o => o.ActualDPS);db.UI_ShowObjectList(list, o => string.Format("level: {1}; dps: {0:F2}", o.ActualDPS, o.Limits.MinLevel));

I want to show a text in my client, when im near a mob or npc or sth like that. (Like worldbosses like Kolanda and mandara .. )
I found out, that there is a flag at this npcs / mobs called "npcmode".
How can i change this value in the db editor?

I hope you can understand me. If theres a question, just ask me.

Thanks for reading.

Greetings Penc
yo thanks for keeping your program updating :) but I got a little problem, I allways get this error message

MunkyCS - ROM DB Editor - RaGEZONE Forums

link to the picture:

I am having the same issue. Can anybody help me with that? Would be awesome.

Thanks already! :)
Hey, first thing i wanna thanks munkyCs for all the hardwork you put into this.
Also, i just needed someone to remember me on how to mail me a gear with stats on it, i use to do it, but i quited about 6 mounth and i dont remember...

Maybe the Editor is outdated but it is a great tool.
Is it working with the new 6.5.2 release?

I can edit Spell abilities but the spell duration is showing always "0". And if I change that only the default durations is taken ingame.

Can you help please how to change duration with new server files?
