God anyone THe RUff Rose Php website Script ! It Looks very Nice !
Thank you i mean this script
Thank you i mean this script
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
God anyone THe RUff Rose Php website Script ! It Looks very Nice !
Thank you i mean this scriptTo view the content, you need to sign in or register
it's isn't php right? I thought it was asp
Wow I have over 400 people playing on mine, I had to turn off my stats display, I had almost 127000 hits in 3 days of opening. ;/
the reg usto be .asp but its all changed to php now
1. what has that got to do with this thread?
2. over 400 i find that very hard to believe
Oh sorry, I didn't explain myself right, I went to Kern's post of his website and seen his <TMP_Stats> area and had a sudden brain storm to say that I disabled mine, Sorry.
And I have 394, Not over 400 lmao.
link me to your site
I don't show stats but, Here you go:To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Note: I said 394 members, Thats not always what I have online(I know this is normal)
But I've had about 100+ online at once.