----Method to increase the number of client limit:
1)We must first identify the source of this error:
2)Figure out the origin of the message:
I-Text could be in the following places:
II-We extract the game archives(.pck) using Winpck.
III-We make sure that luas in script.pck are decrypted and can be opent normally.
IV-We look for the text using notepad++ and search in these directories one by one using keywords
3)We have found the message in script/global_string.lua
4)We search "ERROR_EXCEED_MAX_APP_NUM' in the following directory SMElement/SMElementClient
5)We have found it in SMElement/SMElementClient/EC_Game.cpp
This block of code sets up a limit to the number of times the client executables can be opent and it's purely client side.
6)In my opinion,you should increase MAX_APP_COUNT from 3 to whatever you want such as:
It's kinda ironic that I figure this out when I'm no longer that much into the game.
I hope this can be of help to others.
1)We must first identify the source of this error:
For the safety of your computer and the in-game experience of other players, you are not allowed to run more Forsaken World clients.
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
2)Figure out the origin of the message:
I-Text could be in the following places:
II-We extract the game archives(.pck) using Winpck.
III-We make sure that luas in script.pck are decrypted and can be opent normally.
IV-We look for the text using notepad++ and search in these directories one by one using keywords
3)We have found the message in script/global_string.lua
ERROR_EXCEED_MAX_APP_NUM = "For the safety of your computer and the in-game experience of other players, you are not allowed to run more Forsaken World clients.\rDoing so by force may result in unnecessary losses. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.",
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
4)We search "ERROR_EXCEED_MAX_APP_NUM' in the following directory SMElement/SMElementClient
5)We have found it in SMElement/SMElementClient/EC_Game.cpp
const static int MAX_APP_COUNT = 3;
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
::MessageBoxW(NULL, g_GetString(_L("ERROR_EXCEED_MAX_APP_NUM")), _L("error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
return false;
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
6)In my opinion,you should increase MAX_APP_COUNT from 3 to whatever you want such as:
const static int MAX_APP_COUNT = 6;
It's kinda ironic that I figure this out when I'm no longer that much into the game.
I hope this can be of help to others.
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