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Ryl tools , ryl client and more [ v2240]

Re: [Mega Release] RYL TOOLS , RYL CLIENT AND MORE [ V2240]

how to find client.exe checksum??
where does it locate..??
Re: [Mega Release] RYL TOOLS , RYL CLIENT AND MORE [ V2240]

Want DemonSetup? Use Search Button! Do Not Beg For DemonSetup! .. Its EveryWhere In RYL Section!
Re: [Mega Release] RYL TOOLS , RYL CLIENT AND MORE [ V2240]

u answering him...but not mine...i need to knw where to find checksum...or get own checksum...
Re: [Mega Release] RYL TOOLS , RYL CLIENT AND MORE [ V2240]

Check at the log file which is located at../RylAuthServer/RylAuthServer2010-12-27 10,57,15-0000.txt
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Re: [Mega Release] RYL TOOLS , RYL CLIENT AND MORE [ V2240]

Hey Woodclaw Dude! Can You Make A Tutorial/Guide Using Those Tool To Make RYL2 Server?

Thanks On The Advance!
how to download mediafire files.??
it always say invalid or "This file is currently set to private"..
why?? i want to make my own RYL... :(

---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------

IS SAY "This file is currently set to private"..
Re: [Mega Release] RYL TOOLS , RYL CLIENT AND MORE [ V2240]

how to download mediafire files.??
it always say invalid or "This file is currently set to private"..
Re: [Mega Release] RYL TOOLS , RYL CLIENT AND MORE [ V2240]

sorry for distrible u all can any off u help me ...
i can't download any file on the pages

sory for my bad english
Re: [Mega Release] RYL TOOLS , RYL CLIENT AND MORE [ V2240]

reason of the set to private in mediafire is u are not allowed to download those files.. becoz!! woodclaw has closed his topic...(pvt servers too many)
Re: [Mega Release] RYL TOOLS , RYL CLIENT AND MORE [ V2240]

Hello , im making some research towards the client (ryl)
i need all those tool , but seems it cant be downloaded due to private things and etc

please make it public , im trying to PM the user, seems the condition state i must exceeded 15 or somewhat like that to pm , so i cant PM the user

i hope someone will help me thank you
Re: [Mega Release] RYL TOOLS , RYL CLIENT AND MORE [ V2240]

Same type of this post already have been made by Stealthy also,
search for it.