Rz Is Shit Now!!

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It's always nice to name a few points why you think that it is, although i agree with your statement mostly, it would be usefull to give your own oppinion on why, so that other people can understand it, and talk about it.
RaGEZONE rules, but it would be nice to have a server :P
You gonna stick together even when WEMADE gets my e-mail and takes this forum down?? Your have 2 go back 2 euro mir and i can imagina u all lvl 15 n00bs hunting together in the woods LMAO.

Neo_Reloaded said:
You gonna stick together even when WEMADE gets my e-mail and takes this forum down?? Your have 2 go back 2 euro mir and i can imagina u all lvl 15 n00bs hunting together in the woods LMAO.

Neo u think ur funny but really ur just a spotty geek......wow uve send a email to wemade......u must b well special i mean like one of a kind stupid fuk

So wot if they take the forum down? we just start another one......n i think they already know about so fk off

go hang ur self


Neh that's crap talk, like DTB said, they know RZ is here, RageZone.com is filtered on euro mir forums, @ragezone.com adresses are banned, and i know at least 1 GM is registered on this forum, i even gave that person the link to it.

On top of that RZ hasn't have a server right now.

Serious, your email will just be like the other 100 they get, ignored.
Neo_Reloaded said:
You gonna stick together even when WEMADE gets my e-mail and takes this forum down?? Your have 2 go back 2 euro mir and i can imagina u all lvl 15 n00bs hunting together in the woods LMAO.

lmao u seriously need to look at yourself in a mirror.. u might even realise what a complete fucktard you sound!! plz let me know which server you play on lomcn so I can come n pk you because dimfucks like you make pk'ing sooo much fun... :lol:
If you wanna remotely think about threatening ragezone you're gonna need a whole lot more then that attitude and a mail address. either way what are you doing here neway... bbye (banned)
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