Saaya Irie - What has it come to?

The whole Saaya thing is relatively old. Can't really comment on it other than it's a different culture so what we view as morally "wrong", some don't.
this article reminds me of a story when I was about 14 or so...
A couple years ago, my mom got a call from some place asking if I could model for them (kinda weird since I wouldn't do that and haven't before...well....once but when I was really little). She said no and I couldn't have cared less, esp. Since I really don't think of myself as...."model quality"
Lawl Oxy, Anyway. i think its her life, let her do what she wants with it.

Its not really anybody judgement to say what she can and cannot do, even if its morally wrong at the time. its her choice.
Whoa, she's "big". Anywho, nothing you can really do. It's another culture and they have their differences. As long as she's happy, then don't worry about it.
Prolly where the whole loli part comes into play in animes -.-

That was around waaay before :zippy:

Whoa, she's "big". Anywho, nothing you can really do. It's another culture and they have their differences. As long as she's happy, then don't worry about it.

Exactly what i was just saying :P

Aye, she's not exactly being harmed or violated and it is her choice, still some people find it there business to cause problems about it, like they HAVE to look at it.
Aye, she's not exactly being harmed or violated and it is her choice, still some people find it there business to cause problems about it, like they HAVE to look at it.

Exactly, they don't have to look at it. People make things a big fuss when they aren't.

And Konrow, I want to know where those girls were when I was 12 to..
And what if she later on in life regrets and thinks "gosh, I wish someone had stopped me from posing like that when I was 12".
Sort of like sex, there's an age limit because of a reason, IMO same should go for stuff like this.
Have she really matured enough to be able to take life affecting decisions like that in her age?
"I was born into a world you may not understand."

If you've ever been to Japan you'll know what I mean. They like them young.

Unfortunately I do know what you mean.

And what if she later on in life regrets and thinks "gosh, I wish someone had stopped me from posing like that when I was 12".
Sort of like sex, there's an age limit because of a reason, IMO same should go for stuff like this.
Have she really matured enough to be able to take life affecting decisions like that in her age?

Everyone has moments like that, sure they may not be as drastic but it's something that she's been warned about countless times, her choice really.
yeah, yeah warned... she's still only 12 and there is men of ALL ages that jer off to her pictures and the goddamn scary part is that that was the sole purposes with the pictures she makes.