SDB problem?

Jan 17, 2007
Reaction score
I downloaded the latest Mangos revision by maxo (3128 w/ mangoscript) and Hakens latest SDB 0.6.1 and I seem to have an issue with combo points with my chars. For instance, in the past my rogue would get combo points for some regular crits, and double points when I crit with a special attack. With this latest version, I do not get combo points for normal mele crits, and even when my special attacks crit I only get one combo point. Any advice would be real helpful.
Well for starters. Normally, rogues in real W*W don't get combo points from crits unless they have the seal fate talent. You normally will only get combo points IF the skills says it gives combo points. If you have the Seal Fate talent, crits from abilities where you get combo points, give an extra combo point. You DON'T get combo points from white damage crits. If you were before, that was a bug. There's also a talent called inititave, which gives you a chance to get an extra combo point from openers.
