SDPT On the Rise

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
SDPT GM's r now looking for 10 people that will be dedicated to putting there time and effort into beta testing the new and upcoming priston tale private server. We are currently looking for players who enjoy the game and understand what the PT community should be about. To any one intrested please Email us at [email protected].

Thank you
This server is driven to be diffrent in any way possible. we are currently developing new and unique objects (sorry i cant say. its strictly a security issue. ppl will want our idea) though we are a small server we have big plans for everyone, from any server. on behalf of SDPT i encourage anyone who beleives they can make a diffrence to contat us at [email protected] please leave your name and where you can be contated (aim or msn). Enjoy
ah nice ^^, i hope everything works out well for you
However, one thing though. Aren't you the same Des that almost destroyed ChaosPT by filing your credit card as stolen after donating to ChaosPT so you can get your money back? I know some people are sly, but wow...And i am quite sure tommy21703 is Snake_ since you two worked together to plan that, atleast from what I have heard. I have played in both CelesPT and ChaosPT, and have been in their channels to hear the admins talk about you guys.
Anyway I hope you guys are more responsible with you server than you were with other peoples by trying to screw them ^^
lol u got one thing wrong my lil friend. im not the only des out there, therefore before u start accusing me of fraud, u betta do some research

p.s. dont u dare connect us with that dammed fool who did dat to himself, don start pointin fingers at ppl when u don kno who they are.
ah lol sry sry ^^, i wasn't accusing you lol, I was just stating the facts, I will ask the owner Rad again to make sure. and I am quite sure tommy21703 is Snake_ lol
[10:28] * Snake_ ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: )
[15:09:03] 00[00Join00-00#ChaosPT00]10 Snake_ ([email protected]) (Network/Normal)

[11:58:27] 00[00Join00-00#ChaosPT00]10 Snake_ ([email protected]) (Network/Normal)

Des* didn't get close to destroying ChaosPT, he was just an asshole, no problems there though, they are still on there feet so, its the past =)

*Not saying your Des, but the guys name was Des =)