Section Rules

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Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
Seal Online Rules​

I will be setting the rules from now on, if anyone failed to follow the rules will result to an warning, infraction or ban(depending on the situation).
These rules will be effective from now on.(February 3, 2011)

In discussion section..

  1. Tags or Prefixes are not needed, you shouldn't be using them in this section.
  2. Please discuss something related to Seal Online.

Creating a thread..

  1. Please do not post any advertisement thread related to your server here, please post here.
  2. Please do not post any recruitment thread here, please post here.

Posting in threads..

  1. Do not troll
  2. Do not spam
  3. Do not flame or insult other members, those who do that will result in an infraction.
  4. Try not to bump a thread that is old.
  5. Please make a report if you have an issue with a thread/post.

Note : Please talk in English, this is an English forum.

Last update - February 3, 2011, 06:20 AM.
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