Security Information Thread

Skilled Illusionist
Dec 30, 2005
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Most people already know how to make clan, how to put to work clan manager but how about security?

I remember when people made first MU sites. We didnt care about security and now there is a lot of configurations to help hosters avoid stupid attacks.

I find an way to edit my ASP files without being administrator, thats not good. I
i think i got attacked. twice.

all that happened was the ip was correct and EVERYTHING then i reformatted and ppl culd ocnnect fine.

so i think i got hacked. not sure

dude , on your server i bet i can always find a sql injection weakness and delete your database :P
if i was you i`d start concentrating my self on anti sql injection protections for my server :P , unless you wanna get f*cked up again :P