Seriously Thinking About Fucking RZ Off...

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And TBH Gohan Your Banning Cap's New Account Unfairly, He Never Flamed On Them But You Stated In The Rules That He Has To Flame...

SIC Was Made To Take His Signature Out, But SaRaKu Hasn't STILL?

I Was Banned For Posting In A Thread, I Mean WTF?
People Who DoS'd The Fucking Forum And The Server Are Still Here!

All Got Outta Hand Sorry.
ahh dude dont go wont be the same without you here m8

your right though, thiese rules are far to uptight whats the point?
there will always be confilct you cant expect a rule to make everyone like each other or worse pretend to like each other

one thing that made me uber mad was the sheer disrespect to the community that athena seemed to have when she got position on forum banning left right and center for things that had been going on for ages

but she seemed to have learned a little from that and got a little better my respect for her grew again :)

something else that made me quite mad (lol you dont see me mad often) was the people dossing the server just because they got de-lvled lol then the people who supported it they were just as bad in my eyes.
You expect us to be nice to them? wtf
yeah we need rules but do they need to be set in concrete?
obviously it isnt working to well

sure we need new people coming to rz now and then but we dont need trash like that (not counting athena as trash) not at all.

most importantly of all we dont need people like don leaving :)
Lol The Mir2 Chron Guys Would Like Me To Leave, Because They Nerds.

They Planning To Rage War On The General Group By Throwing Pencils And CD's At Us.
You don't get something DTB, if i ask both of the flaming partys who started, then they both will point the finger at each other, how the hell do you want me to end that, it's impossible.

They flame, and they get banned, that's all i can do about it, and don't say i should just leave it, because that will only do bad for RZ, i'm looking at the big picture here, not a stamp.

What SIC posted was stupid, he even knew he would probably get banned for it, well that didn't happen but still...
He knew she would take offense, yet he still posted it.

If Saraku has still that signature then i will pm him to remove it and add a warning with that.

Anyway as for the flaming thing.

If people keep doing it then it will only damage RZ, the server doesn't go up because of this.
Who started it? No idea, but if you ignore them then i will see soon enough who continues and who doesn't, those who doesn't will "win" in the end, because the others will get their ass banned.

It has to stop, if you want to stick up for your friends, then fine, but i will ban you, just like everyone else.
And don't you go pointing your finger at others, you are in control of yourself, show maturity, let them talk, and let me ban them.
DTB-WhyBanMe? said:
And TBH Gohan Your Banning Cap's New Account Unfairly, He Never Flamed On Them But You Stated In The Rules That He Has To Flame...

SIC Was Made To Take His Signature Out, But SaRaKu Hasn't STILL?

I Was Banned For Posting In A Thread, I Mean WTF?
People Who DoS'd The Fucking Forum And The Server Are Still Here!

All Got Outta Hand Sorry.

thats too tru mate, us generals make this site what it is. If it wasn't for us this forum would be nothin but a place for geeks to talk about a mir 2 server constantly. We make conversation, funny thread we have a laugh and get along great.

But when you got some fucking geeky fuckers like e0n, lilcooldoode, goahn suge and the rest of em, who only come on this forum when the server is up and when it goes down they moan ther tits off, they flame mental and atheana, all the romainians think they know best when they know abosoluty FUCK ALL and post shit constanly, We the fucking good guys ere and now because of one fucking thing cap and sic made all fucking general crew is gettin fucked over. Seriously they need to look at what ther doing, you take away the main ppl, you take down the site. Theres plently fucking more sites for us to go to. If you lot carry on banning the punters, your general section will be dead and you will be leaft with about 200 moaning TWATS complaining why the server aint up or somthin similar.

When have the regulars ever flamed the server? eh!?? WE HAVE NEVER and now were the ones getting banned.

I think you need to chill the fuck out and realise who is the bad guys ere and its the fucking mir 2 cron monkeys
Well the rules in General will always be different then from the Mir2 section.

If they cause problems, they are banned, doesn't matter to me who it is, you are also free to counter their replys with posts that don't contain flaming, cheap shots or insults, you do that and they will be banned and you can just continue.

All i'm asking is that you follow the rules, rules that have been here since the beginning, this has to stop because otherwise it will be RZ's fall, surely no one wants that.

So let me do my job, get rid of the people who start the flaming, and we can just continue in a better way, but just don't start anything or continue something, if i enforce the rules then it is for everyone, i need to be fair.
My way works, i done it before, and will do it again.

I'm not going to lock like mad or whatever, i'm just getting rid of the people that can't stop flaming.

Anyway since you know what i'm doing all wrong, how about you tell me how i should do this.

Remember 2 things though
-Doing nothing is not a option
-Banning everyone on your personal list is also not a option.

So gimme the good ideas, untill then my rules stay.
GohanSSJ said:
My way works, i done it before, and will do it again.

I'm not going to lock like mad or whatever, i'm just getting rid of the people that can't stop flaming.

Anyway since you know what i'm doing all wrong, how about you tell me how i should do this.

Remember 2 things though
-Doing nothing is not a option
-Banning everyone on your personal list is also not a option.

So gimme the good ideas, untill then my rules stay.

TBH Gohan You Banned Cap Because Of A Personal Vendetta.

Yes Neo Is My Friend And So Is Cap.

But You Said Banned People Get 1 Chance On New Accounts...
He Never Got 1 Chance.

If You Gonna Inforce Those Rules Inforce Them Properly.
I'll let myself go sane before i let you leave
gayhan take that stick out ur ass.... tbh mods are just power geeks... i mean y cant we fucking swear and take the piss... hell take the piss out fo me i dont care... ffs its a forum... and we are all here for a laff.... make rules and u take away the fun part. ban us and u will loose all the good ppl from rz. there should be hardly any rules in the forum. tbh the only rules i think there should be are

1) no spam
2) no racisum
3) no good spelling :p
4) dont take insults to heart and cry about it.

so dont ban ppl for any other reason. and if u cant take the piss taking and jokes then fuck off. we should be all mates here and fact is mates rip each other.

and i will stick by these rules.. my rules.

if u dont like them.

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You don't make the rules, you will follow the rules that were made by the RZ staff, or you will be banned.

Warning #1 btw
DTB-WhyBanMe? said:
TBH Gohan You Banned Cap Because Of A Personal Vendetta.

Yes Neo Is My Friend And So Is Cap.

But You Said Banned People Get 1 Chance On New Accounts...
He Never Got 1 Chance.

If You Gonna Inforce Those Rules Inforce Them Properly.
He did got a chance, but he just spammed when he made a new account, spamming is not allowed.
y did DTB get banned then... coz he asked for a wallpaper?? this is just fucked.. personally i want the mods chaged to either SIC or EX coz as it stands i dotn like how u act towards ppl. ban me then if u dont like me. but tis your loss. u will just starting loosing every 1
TBH Thats Bullshit

Gohan Raging A War Against Us (Yes I Mean Us Because Those Rule's Mainly Point Towards The General Group) Isnt Gonna Affect RageZone In The Slightest Because There Is Always Hotmail Etc

We Don't Delibrately Cause Trouble, But You Will Enlargen The Problem By Banning Them.
Simple As
I'm causing the problems? It's because of you bigmouths that the server isn't up now.

Anyway unless you can actually tell me what should happen instead of what shouldn't, then i will just lock this topic, because it's just spam.
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