server 4.4 and client 3.9e


Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 4, 2004
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hi can i connect to server 4.4 from 3.9e client?

i try start server but map server exe give error...i dont know what error, becouse not english language....

and Redmoon 4.4.exe full version have english language or only korean?

p.s. if 3.9 can't connect with 4.4 server, told me plz where i can get server 3.8 ?
I think you're going to need the 4.4 client ... the version 4.4 is in korean.
Some copy the message.ctf file from the 3.8/9 into the 4.4 client to get the english out of it however, be advised that the features that are not in the 3.8/9 will not be seen .. since there is no korean text in the 3.8/9 message.ctf .. the newer stuff in 4.4 will usually be blank dialogue boxes .. I'm not aware of anyone having translated the 4.4 message.ctf yet, or at least have posted a download link for it ...
so when i start map center thne map server i see error with koreian letters i cant translate....i see:
>?<>?<>?K?>L:"K>>?mapserver?><?</,/>,/.,/.,.m,.m/. etc
what is erorr anybody know ? :pissed:
Well thats the standard error anyone would get if things aren't setup properly ..
Usually most have posted to make sure your ODBC settings are correct ..
then check your RMServer.ini file to ensure your IP's are set correctly
then check the rmsvrscript.ini to make sure your path is set correctly to your bin folder ...
Base=C:\<serverfolder>\bin\ <that last backslash has to be there ...

c:\<serverfolder>rmRMServerMgr\Config\rmsrvscript.ini settings
so i setup ODBC correct read install.txt and did it, dunno why 4.4server not work....
1) i setup v3.8e server and have problem how to set maxuser to more now i see
0 / 0 max user set is "0" where i can change it? i can't join in game.....

2) i don't understand how add 3.9 skills to 3.8 ?

plz answer me to 1st question
ODBC test
i think its okey
Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Version 03.81.9030

Running connectivity tests...

Attempting connection
Connection established
Verifying option settings
Disconnecting from server

I have solved all problems, now here is such question, what reduce amount monsters on map, and respawn their, becouse they respawn so quickly, second question is, how change exp rate and item drop?
This is a longer process to explain in one posting ... you can either do a search on:

monster editing
monster span

and find alot of posts with this information that you're looking for ..

As a matter of fact .. in the first few posting you'll see under STICKY .. you'll find a monster editing guide which explains everything ...

It's pretty detailed and explains how to do what you want to do ...

Good Luck
i have one problem again, i setup RM 4.4 server, it run perfectly, but then i run game and click connect, i must running but give me error with korean lanuage and don't run.....
after that in svIP.exe i see 0\1 this signifies i was connected but have problem...
all version good RM game is 4.402 and server 4.402 too
i don't like rmServer.ini for 4.4 version in 3.8 this file was fully, i all change in rmServer.ini for my IP....... can you post here your rmServer.ini in code.....

p.s. anybody know where i can get "English" massage.ctf for 4.4. version

thanks for help