To view the content, you need to sign in or register
- added logging code. you can define loglevels for console output and file log.
- all-chat is now only local, shout-chat and trade-chat is global
- tell to online players is possible, using " like on the official servers
- npc bug that froze your movement is fixed
- network packets are buffered to be sent in one tcp-packet
- password are not stored on the server any more, only the hash is stored
- partymatching is implemented to provide a nice "who" function... however the client limits the number of displayed players to 40
- party system is started... it doesnt work 100% yet
- trader npcs now get targetted before interaction (like it should be)
- exp and sp is awarded when monsters are killed. system is not complete yet
- skilltrees for all classes are used, but most are still empty (feel free to provide updated files)
- router support, you can define local and external IP of server
- configurable user limit is enforced
- mobs can drop adena randomly
- adena pickup bug is fixed. now all adena is summed as it should be
- updateIni is now compatible with US version of client
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