[Server Files] KalXtreme Clean server files

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Loyal Member
Aug 22, 2006
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the Netherlands
KalXtreme Clean Server files

Features :
Nothing :P since it are just clean server files

Bugs :

Please report if you find anything unnormal or bugged since I didnt have time to look at it I just putted it together ty :)

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Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

Guess who loves you <3

NO im not gay! Btw Dope if i find any bug ill send you the correction :P
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

LoL You even included basic tools on repack.
Well done Dope.
Your server files are the most organized i ever saw.

Nvm the edit
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Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

oohh thanks im gonna C if there is a bugand tell u ^^
thanks again

Urs , NOOR
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

Humm, Dope if i use your client files only i get a weird bug and dont see the buttons, if i post your files over a clean client files i get a error ingame "Version of executable is diferent, blah blah"

Humm working on this....
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

Humm, Dope if i use your client files only i get a weird bug and dont see the buttons, if i post your files over a clean client files i get a error ingame "Version of executable is diferent, blah blah"

Humm working on this....

mmm.. what you mean where do you get a bug ?
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

Your engine.exe is crashing.

And i noticed 2 more bugs, Gathering Exp Event is NULL.

Event Island: The Doggebbi With Sword dont have legs lol.
I tryed to fix him, i used files from my old server to fix it but it still dont have legs. (War Mutilated)
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

Your engine.exe is crashing.

And i noticed 2 more bugs, Gathering Exp Event is NULL.

Event Island: The Doggebbi With Sword dont have legs lol.
I tryed to fix him, i used files from my old server to fix it but it still dont have legs. (War Mutilated)

ah yeah the gathering exp event is null since I used the bird exp event for a while (kosp option) never turned normal :P about the legs never bothered to fix it or look at it :P

but I didnt have a engine.exe crash .... mmm.. weird I'll look into that one
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

OK, The client files that you give on your repack are not complete, theres some files missing.

Like this i am forced to past them over a clean client files. I belive the engine crash come from this, but there isnt any other way unless you supply the full client folder.

The weird part about that monsters is that i replaced all files related to them (gtx, gb, bones) even replaced the code on initmonster, and macro.dat but still the mobs are cuted.

Humm just remembered now one thing, i forgot to revise the bone code, on macro.dat, im not at home corrently so if you can check this out before me tell me the result.
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

possible to upp working files?
still dont work with this files if i change something :)
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

I get a "error" pop up in a small box when I log in server, saying kal is "completly" different files or something to that sort, and kicks me off server... anyone else have that?
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

Exact message that pops up:

It has something to do with the kalonline.exe launcher, I took it out and put another launcher in and it worked, I got on server and this message came up..

I put back the original one from dopes repack, and used "without updater luancher" and I can't even connect to the server...

Is anyone else having issues or know a fix?

Dopestar - [Server Files] KalXtreme Clean server files - RaGEZONE Forums
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

erm i cant remeber this exactly but i think your supposed to change sumthing in your server .ini and it will work am sure some one else will say it

edit: try this

replace this with whatever is in your system.ini
but first back up your system.ini
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

erm i cant remeber this exactly but i think your supposed to change sumthing in your server .ini and it will work am sure some one else will say it

edit: try this

replace this with whatever is in your system.ini
but first back up your system.ini

o.O Backup a file because he edited 1 number?

Well and mate, if he does that then he won't see 80% of the game cause dope made it version 2
Re: (Server Files) KalXtreme Clean server files

Tried that, don't work. I'm kind of pissed now, now I have to re install my whole other server set up. . .
