i know a lot of peeps are looking for tease's so here goes 
wile going though on of my meny meny meny meny meny backup harddrives i found thease old things
ive seen people who are looking for them thease are the org unedited files (not shure on gen monster)
ok whats in the download
ts the one from the 1st clean release of the kalonline server files thats rare
[/code]think i was like the 8th person to download it when it was released 
all country codes are 252 and no im not editing them you want them do it your self 
i also have all the rest i think thats unedited IntSkills IntNpc but i dont think people will need them
pays to backup a 
btw im not here to help people who dont understand editing the files just releaseing the old things for the people who want/need then
yes im a retard so sue me

wile going though on of my meny meny meny meny meny backup harddrives i found thease old things

ive seen people who are looking for them thease are the org unedited files (not shure on gen monster)
ok whats in the download

(1.) Org IntItem.txt yes the org unedited yes its bugged no im not
fixing it yes all items are buy 10 ect
(2.)Org ItemGroup.txt O_O yes im not lieing its the org itemgroup heres an example
[code](group (index 290) (item (2 372 0) (4 373 0) (6 374 0) (8 375 0) (10 376 0)
(12 377 0) (14 378 0) (16 379 0) (18 380 0) (20 381 0)
(22 382 0) (24 383 0) (26 384 0) (28 385 0) (30 386 0)
(32 440 0) (34 441 0) (36 442 0) (38 242 0) (40 243 0)
(42 244 0) (46 245 0) (50 246 0) (54 247 0) (58 248 0)
(62 249 0) (66 250 0) (67 457 0) (68 460 0) (69 463 0) (70 466 0)))
ts the one from the 1st clean release of the kalonline server files thats rare

(3.) org genmonster.txt ya what ever
(4.) Org 1x IntMonster.txt yes that 1x exp rate

i also have all the rest i think thats unedited IntSkills IntNpc but i dont think people will need them

btw im not here to help people who dont understand editing the files just releaseing the old things for the people who want/need then
yes im a retard so sue me

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