Server Latency With Only 2 Players Online

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
this may look kind of weird and noobish, but i have to ask:

how much latency would my server get if i'm playing with only 2 players? I mean, me on the same pc the server is running and another player connecting through the internet? How much latency would he get?

my pc:
amd sempron 3.0+ (1.8ghz)
512 ram ddr2
300kbps connection

It runs perfectly offline (only with me playing)
i think that connection is quite enough to have only 1 player to send/recieve data.

what do u guys think?
(before somebody say this: I can't test it now, so i'm asking.. =\)
When i started i only play with my m8, and i had always 3ms. Me in same pc and my friend on internet.
Sometimes my lag go crazy but was only coz my hd was reading a lot, if that is the problem try defrag your hd

Sorry for my bad english
Wht also can help is to increase cache usage for SQL;
I noticed most people choose smallest setup for mySQL; it should be at least medium configuration.
It looks like I get lag when my hd is trying to read something, like this:

lag goes nuts if u die or if ur buddy dies. lol

I wonder if increasing the Mysql process priority to "high" or maybe "real time" I could avoid things like that o.O

Thanks for the help dudes. It seems that I'll not get almost any latency (I hope) =D