Server problem

Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
hi i have a problem with my server when i start LS RS i have no problems but when i now start WS
i have this problem plz help

 			 				WoW Server Started 14:58 at 02/03/2007
=  ZOMG Kobold LOL ver. 1.646.5875-win32 Public Limited  - World Server
=  Press Ctrl-C anytime after initialization to safely close server.
=  CPU: GenuineIntel|INTEL Pentium-4 F15 M2 S9
=  OS:  WinXP ProSP2
03 14:58:33 V Log: Initialization...
03 14:58:33 V Config: File logging[ENABLED]
03 14:58:33 I Log: File Log Started
03 14:58:33 I Log: Started
03 14:58:33 V Database: Using MySQL database 'kobolds' at, user '
            V Database: root'
03 14:58:33 V sqlpp: Connected to MySQL database at
03 14:58:33 V Database: Using MySQL account database 'kobolds' at
            V Database: , user 'root'
03 14:58:33 V sqlpp: Connected to MySQL database at
World(): constructor: 02B49308
ObjectMgr(): constructor: 02BA0048
ChannelMgr(): constructor: 02B45E10
Chat(): constructor: 02B45E28
Auction(): constructor: 02B45DF0
Mail(): constructor: 02B45E00
QuestScript(): constructor: 02B46848
QuestHandler(): constructor: 02B46858
Honor(): constructor: 02B46868
03 14:58:33 I i18n: Loading translation strings for language 'default', file 'la
            I i18n: ng_default.txt'
03 14:58:33 I i18n: Language Translation Subsystem is loaded and ready!
03 14:58:33 I Loading Database related information...
03 14:58:33 I Opening DBC storages...
03 14:58:33 V ------------------- DBC --------------------------
03 14:58:33 V >> SkillLine.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> SkillLineAbility.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> EmotesText.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> Spell.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> SpellRange.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> SpellCastTimes.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> SpellDuration.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> SpellRadius.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> Talent.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> AreaTable.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> AreaTrigger.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> WorldMapArea.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> WorldMapOverlay.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> WorldSafeLocs.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> Map.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> DurabilityCosts.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> DurabilityQuality.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> ItemRandomProperties.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> SpellItemEnchantment.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> ItemSet.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> Faction.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> FactionTemplate.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> BankBagSlotPrices.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> TaxiNodes.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> TaxiPath.dbc
03 14:58:33 V >> TaxiPathNode.dbc
03 14:58:33 V --------------------------------------------------
03 14:58:33 V DBC storages: Done!
03 14:58:33 V
03 14:58:33 V - Maitenance -------------------------------------
03 14:58:33 V --------------------------------------------------
03 14:58:33 V
03 14:58:33 I Precaching MySQL DB tables...
03 14:58:33 V -------------------  Items -----------------------
Saved dump file to 'errors\03-02-2007 14_58_33.dmp'
 [SIZE=6][COLOR=Red]03 14:58:33 F World: FATAL ERROR in world thread![/COLOR][/SIZE]
03 14:58:33 I Network: TCP Port 4200 listener started
03 14:58:33 V Getting WS info from DB:
03 14:58:33 I WorldSrv: listening at:
03 14:58:33 I WorldSrv: <<<-- Accepting client connections -->>>
03 14:58:33 I Network: TCP Port 4200 listener stopped
03 14:58:33 S Python: scripting shut down ->>>
~World(): destructor: 02B49308
~Honor(): destructor: 02B46868
~QuestHandler(): destructor: 02B46858
~QuestScript(): destructor: 02B46848
~Mail(): destructor: 02B45E00
~Auction(): destructor: 02B45DF0
~Chat(): destructor: 02B45E28
~ChannelMgr(): destructor: 02B45E10
~ObjectMgr(): destructor: 02BA0048
~gameobject loots
~instance spawns
~taxi nodes
~taxi paths
~taxi path nodes
~item pages
~auction items
~mail items
~enchanted items
~item loots
~vendor items
~ObjectMgr(): releasing memory: done.
03 14:58:33 I WorldSrv: Finished, shutting down...
~Reactor: 02B43FC0
03 14:58:33 I Log: Stoped
WoW Server Restarted 14:58 at 02/03/2007
The system cannot find the path specified.

plz help in other forums no one help me and i want to start my server

[Wampserver is online]
[I have copy the dbc in the WS path]
[I have copy the maps in WS path]