• Networking: The investigation is still on the way, we've switched to backup telecom carriers since the episode but we're still working in settling everything as it must be. We'll add more updates as we have them available. Incoming and outgoing emails will be restricted, and user registration has been disabled until the issue is resolved.

setting up 1.02d movie

Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
server files , client , patch



all in the movie
and why locked this theard each day?
Re: [Guide] setting up 1.02d movie

man is almost perfect this guide but its working for router users too if not plz make one for router.....man yre cool
Re: [Guide] setting up 1.02d movie

man can u please tell me if works the movie for router users to??if not plz make one for router :Danyways ure coo makl !!!!nive work back there!!!! if i had non router connection i wold have made for sure the server whit ure help:D so plz help me make my first server cos i cant make it...if is possible plz help me on ultra vnc :D plzzz ure my only hope :D
Re: [Guide] setting up 1.02d movie

Do you have any files to add new maps?
Also do you have a monster set file?

Oh yeah and GREAT!! guide by the way
Re: [Guide] setting up 1.02d movie

i got three little problems - 1.when im turning on the muserverstartup, it shows me
alot of errors like "skill file not found" and somethin with "WTF Message"...
2. can u gimme a REAL list of the ip changing files ? cuz the list in the HTML guide
lies ^^..
3. can u PLEASE make a ready ODBC links .. ?
can someone help me ... ?
Re: [Guide] setting up 1.02d movie

Hellow PPL can u give me a perfect guide of making an Mu Online and its not offline? because i maid a server it is 1.02d it is perfect but it only a lan play it is not a Online can u till me how to Online my server v1.02d? Please PPL sorry for my english TNX.......
Re: [Guide] setting up 1.02d movie

How do you fix the /move command thing and Pressing M and selecting the maps? I can't teleport there using those 2 methods... I have the required level!:sweatdrop
Re: [Guide] setting up 1.02d movie

Man rapidshere suck and i have to wait fucking 2 hours... for downloading the movie... sory for bad words ant my english iam Lithuanian :)
Re: [Guide] setting up 1.02d movie

Nice guide man =D Although I don't see why we can't just use 'sa'? Because now I'm having trouble with which account I should use instead. Like you use that 'iusn yaron4290583957803' thingie, I don't think which of my 'account' is comparible to that =P
Sometimes you could use better explanation but anyways, nice guide ;)