setting up a LAN server, can't connect

Apr 9, 2007
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Hey i have installed the server files following the instructions closely so I didn't make any mistakes or whatsoever, but I just can't seem to connect to my server. I'm using the 4.4 server files, and I've got the 4.4 client, edited the info.dll to my static ip behind the router "", I'm using MSSQL local system account. I've started the SQL server, am able to run the two files svMapCenter.exe and svMapServer.exe(nothing is supposed to happen when I run them rite?) but when I run the other two svIP.exe and svAliveIP.exe I get an error messages
IP server: IP server index xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and
Alive IP server: Command Linexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
respectively then I get an error report by windows. So Ive gotta feeling something's wrong with my configuration somewhere (but I followed the readme.txt.) I even see the MSSQL small icon at the bottom right showing a green arrow, which runs my SQL server.

o yea, since the port to connect to my server is 8888 (i specified), should I change all my ip addresses in the rmServer.ini to or just leave it as OR should it be I'm getting a lil confused, coz i'm sorta trying to connect to an offline server but yet i'm trying to get it working across the LAN, right now I really dont know where the problem lies......
I would really appreciate some help :flag_schw
I've got it all working! It's now able to run on my LAN network, my bro's enjoying it.

But I have one more prob, cuz i'm thinking of hooking it up to the internet. I have apache2.2 installed, i'm using a dynamic ip created at, and i'm running the DynDNS updater. i'm sure there are no configuration probs on my apache2.2 coz i'm able to connect to my home pc from another network.

So, according to the readme, I have to change all the ip addresses from (LAN static ip) to in rmServer.ini right? I also changed the ip addresses in the info.dll so they have all been changed to
But when I run the server and try to connect, I receive the "can't connect" error. Im behind a router, i've port forwarded 80 to When I type I'm able to access my computer. that means that i've done the port forwarding right. MSSQL, Apache all show green arrows, hmm,
could it be that info.dll only allows ip addresses( and not domains like mine ??? If that's the case wut can i do to resolve this?
You will need to forward ports 10100 - 10141 as well, in order for people to connect to the server from the internet. You don't have to foward all ports, just the ones your maps run on. I'm not positive if this is all the ports 4.4 uses since I run 3.8, but from what I can tell by looking at the rmserver.ini it looks like that's all of them.

For instance, if you look in the Bin\Config folder and open up the rmServer.ini file. You will see the maps listed under the [Map Server] section in this format: 21=, 10141

21 is the map number (for st2) is your local IP address (change to your global address for people to connect from the internet) see to find out your global address.

10141 is the port number that map uses.

Basically all you need to do is determine the port range (ie. 10100 - 10141) and setup that port forwarding range in your router. Then change your rmServer.ini to point to your global IP address, and update your info.dll with that global address as well (or your host redirect

Hope that helps, g/l