Setting Up A Server Mir3 

Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
Hi guys, iv read alot of this forum and im looking to set up a server for my friends but everything is a bit vague for newbies like me lol.
That idiots guide looked like it could sort me out but of course the link has to be broken :(

My msn messenger addy is [email protected]

If any1 can give me a little hand on just wear to download fully working server files and a client to match it would be greatly appreciated.

I really have tried searching for everything here but i cant work out what is what :( thanks in advance :)
ok thanks getting near to completion now, had a few problems along the way but iv managed to solve them, at the moment ive got the server up and running but i dont know how to do the client for people to play, me included lol

I have the mir LS chinese server, any help would be good please