Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done)

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
im going to say sorry ahead of time if this guide is no help, as i am a noob learning, i just want to share the information i know i will also do the best i can by displaying pictures for the steps.

This is kinda with using MySQL 2005 but here i go(sry if rong place just trying to help

1st: Download the MySQL server
Then go to Start--> all Programs--> my SQL server 2005-->SQL Server Management Studios Express.
this will bring you to the first Area of MYSQL, just Click Connect to start.
after you Click connect you should see this screen:

Remenence321 - Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done) - RaGEZONE Forums

Then Click on the SQL Express and get to the Database area. right click on Database and click new Database.(picture shown Below):
Remenence321 - Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done) - RaGEZONE Forums

Then you Type in Muonline and Press OK (Picture Below):
Remenence321 - Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done) - RaGEZONE Forums

Next you go to That database you made. right click on it. and then click on tasks then Restore database. after that you need to choose From Device and browse through you Server Files to find the folder Database, or Db bak. then you find the file Muonline.bak (Note: to use this you must pick. File type: All files). and here is a picture to show kinda a bit of that step:
Remenence321 - Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done) - RaGEZONE Forums

now once you select muonline.bak you need to click ok... then ok again. u will go back to the last screen, select the Muonline Database then go to Options and Click overwrite the Existing Database. and your finished that part. Congradulations. here is another pic:

Remenence321 - Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done) - RaGEZONE Forums

now. you do the Exact same thing 2 more times but! instead of using the Muonline. use the Rankings.bak And the ExDb.bak (also a note: all Server files are different and you may not have ExDb just Repeat this step with all the files you have in your Database folder) and once your finished your SQL Server Setup should look somthing like this:

After this. to complete the Mu Server you must Make ODBC(data source Links) to connect to My SQL. and then Forwardthe ports:

Remenence321 - Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done) - RaGEZONE Forums

44405 BOTH [TCP/UDP]
55557 BOTH
55901 BOTH
50001 BOTH
50019 BOTH
50000 BOTH
(im not sure if these are the Exact ports~i just got them from another Guide)

then Edit Your MuServer Files and Replace the Ip's in them with your own. and (dont forget the Links~u must go to properties to edit those. The Links you will need to change the ip's of is:
Chat Server
Data Server 1&2&3(on most)
Join Server
And Siege Server.

Then of corse you Edit all of the Rest of your Files with your ip. and then try out the links :P

hope this guide helps a bit.

Remenence~Newb And Still Learning
Re: [Guide] Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done)

very good guide congratz ! , can complete and translate to spanish please ??

and maybe u can try:

to get your translation into Spanish. it is a good translation system if you need. its just i dont speak spanish soo... just Copy and paste the Text of what you want translated.
Re: [Guide] Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done)


it is becuase i m not allwed to rename the MuOnline to MuServer
Re: [Guide] Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done)

This is MSSQL 2005 There is NO MYSQL 2005!
Re: [Guide] Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done)

nice guide,im also converting mysql guide of mu to mysql 2005 because mysql 2005 is the latest and much easier to use
Re: [Guide] Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done)

how to create 100% server on sql 2005 windows vista?
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Re: [Guide] Setting up MY SQL 2005. for a Mu Server (not 100% done)

2007 thread dude -.-
ask on helpsection..