Shaman Talents - Less than 30% working

Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Follow the completed list of the Shamy talents

Any idea when it get some atention ?

Shaman Talent tests using Mangos Last Millestone

Convection - Dont Work
Concussion - Dont Work
Earths Grasp - Dont Work
Elemental Warding - Dont Work
Call of Flame - Dont Work
Elemental Focus - Dont Work
Reverbation - Work
Call of Thunder - Dont Work
Improved Fire Totens - Dont Work
Eye of the Storm - Dont Work
Elemental Devastation - Dont Work
Storm Reach - Dont Work
Elemental Fury - Dont Work
Lighting MAstery - Work
Elemental MAstery - Dont Work

Ancestral Knowledge - Work
Shield Specialization - Work
Guardian Totens - Dont Work
Thundering Strikes - Work
Improved Ghost Wolf - Work
Improved Lighting Shield- Work
Enhancing Totens - Dont Work
Anticipation - work
Toughness - Work
Improved Weapon Totens - Dont Work
Elemental Weapons - Dont Work
Parry - Dont Work
Weapon Mastery - Dont Work
StormStrike - Work

Improved HEaling Wave - Work
Tidal Focus - Work
IMproved Reincarnation - Dont Work
Ancestral Healing - Dont Work
Totemic Focus - Dont Work
Natures Guidance - Dont Work
Healing Focus - Dont Work
Totemic Mastery - Dont Work
Healing Grace - Dont Work
Restorative Totens - Dont Work
Healing Way - Work
Nature Swiftness - Work but has a infinite cooldown
Purification - Work
Mana tide - Dont Work

Bugged Spells
- Purge
- Far Sigh
- Lighting Shield
- Windfury Weapon
- Flametongue Weapon
- Tremor Totem
- Flametongue Totem
- Ground Totem
- Sentry Totem
- Windfury Totem
I think that the developers need to see this. Cause one of the greatiest thing of WOW is the confront of a Shaman with a Paladin ! 2 great and unique classes of each faction ! (before the BC of course)

Testing the Paladins we got more than 90% of talents working...

Its realy a great diference between then and in my opinion , the shamy talents need atention...

If somebody knows anything about future fixes on the Shamy talent tree , please tell us !