[Share]C6 Maps for c5 (beta for now ^^) L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
May 10, 2006
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here is the maps (little island for dino) for c5 with the texture maps in mini map (alt+m ingame)

Now it's V2 it's the same of V1 just fix bug of folder bad name and file (l2font-e.crypt.utx ^^)


(remenber : rename L2font-e.crypt.utx tu L2font-e.utx)
(other remenber : Backup your file because this is a Beta ^^)
(i am not if is work 100% ^^)

- -- --->Credits<--- -- -
- -- --->L2neage
- -- --->Ncsoft (for 3d maps xD)
- -- --->Me for create pack xD
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i have a problem, the area around "jurassic park" is fuzzy and is not possible to read, but if you far away from it like to giran, you can read giran castle town. Whats the problem?

And where is the interlude castle please?
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That's a great dude, thx Big Jo! Keep going on that way!


I got that bug duh!

jojo__ - [Share]C6 Maps for c5 (beta for now ^^) - RaGEZONE Forums
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Vianney i use full c5 update this morning and with only my pack is work ^^ (add file in folder texture in folder textures! and are you sur you have ''remplace'' file in maps folder ? ^^)
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try to update c5 client with the full c6 patch.... you can find links at releases forum.
i have it working fine in my test server.

jojo__ - [Share]C6 Maps for c5 (beta for now ^^) - RaGEZONE Forums

PD. I also post some links to download the c6 client files :P
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it has small bugs when you are going swimming for jurassic Park, char the veses I sink of the nothing, the times fly of the nothing, and the times return stop backwards. the map is appearing “Demonic Sword Zariche” this not this correct one? also it has 2 buttons in the map that is not written nothing, and the part of low of the map is without that blue bar.

for bug of the land transference, getekeper it decides the problem. only that the map is a little ugly ^^
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ok i copy all your files ans that i get
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ok i copy all your files ans that i get

has a folder with the name
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okay sorry all the folder testure bad named ^^' i will repack it's for work ^^

and for maps i didn't know why when you play with lower quality the map texture isn't work :s

Edit :
Okay i will repack it's it's the SAME of the first but it's more easy to install no bug with folder "Testure" or "L2font-e.crypt.utx"

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