[Share] Fix for L2(C5) on Vista OS L2J 

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 15, 2005
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Steps to Fixing Lineage 2 (C5) on Vista:

1. Run Lineage II's Official Updater.
2. Run/install any custom patch's for whatever server you play on (if there is one present).
3. Download the file below
4. Extract the file.
5. Place the file you have now called "core.dll" in the following directory (when it asks to overright existing one, hit yes):

(Default Directory of Lineage II)
C:\Program Files\Lineage II\system\

Link to Download:

nope it works on C5 lol ;), and maybe C4, didn't test it on C4, (I personally don't use vista cause of the many flaws like lack of security due to the CIA working with Microsoft to create back-doors for CIA to get into computers and spy if necessary, incompatibility with many programs, OS instability, etc)