[SHARE][HELP] Interlude English Maps and new LoadingScreen. [For Interlude client] L2J 

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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 30, 2006
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Hello people.
I'm new here. This is the first time I've really modded some textures and I want to share it, I need help to make it better too. :)


Installation: Extract file > Make back up and replace: L2Folder\systextures\l2font.utx
+LineageII Interlude English World map and Town maps.
+New loading screen:
Aveltium - [SHARE][HELP] Interlude English Maps and new LoadingScreen. [For Interlude client] - RaGEZONE Forums

I got problem with the quality. It just displays correctly on the high quality texture mode, when I change to low quality mode [Alt+P] it goes blur and looks very ugly.
Could someone tell me how to make it works correctly on both texture mode please. Thank you very much.

Hope you like it. Thankyou for reading.
Last edited:
Hello people.
I got problem with the quality. It just displays correctly on the high quality texture mode, when I change to low quality mode [Alt+P] it goes blur and looks very ugly.
Could someone tell me how to make it works correctly on both texture mode please. Thank you very much.

Hope you like it. Thankyou for reading.

I got something like this done too, and got the same problem. map gets blur... If anyone has any idea on how to fix it would be nice...

Yeah and not only the Map, everything like textures of walls, etc anything that I touch and change, it come blur on low quality mode > >
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