[Share]L2 C6 Patched System L2J 

Re: [Help]L2 C6 Patched System

is the system folder of the Interlude , Patched so that you can easily edit it (with )

Ok, but what is your problem?? you didn't explain....

If your problem is that you can't connect in your login server and in your login platform says "The client isn't using the latest auth protocol"(or something like that) then the answer is: that the new Interlude uses other protocols Game and Auth. And now the L2J free and L2J off trys to find that new protocol.

I hope to help you ;)
Re: [Help]L2 C6 Patched System

is the system folder of the Interlude , Patched so that you can easily edit it (with )

I tried and tried similar posts man, and really, i got tired of this.
The fact is, for itnerlude, NO ONE talks or REPLIES about the system folder.
I can edit all files in interlude EXCEPT armorgrp.dat, weapongrp.dat, systemmsg.dat (when i say edit, you all should understand the opening, editing, saving, recrypting process) and the other important fact is thtat NO ONE (even the ones that know how to do it) says nothing. Good luck to ya man, beacause i'm done ^^
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Re: [Share3]L2 C6 Patched System

I can edit all 3 files you just said with L2 FileEdit...

I guess you dindt read it all, like everyone else....

i CAN open the files, i CAN decrypt them
i CANT put it all back to .dat It DOES NOT work.

For what i see there have been no changes in the file edit since i last downloaded it. So, do the full work before posting that you can edit the files, because thats what i said to everyone in here. It does not recrypt.
Re: [Share3]L2 C6 Patched System

I can edit all 3 files you just said with L2 FileEdit...

I guess you dindt read it all, like everyone else....

i CAN open the files, i CAN descript them
i CANT put it all back to .dat It DOES NOT work.

For what i see there have been no changes in the file edit since i last downloaded it. So, do the full work before posting that you can edit the files, because thats what i said to everyone in here. It does not recrypt.

Maybe ill post here whats happening, guess its the only way, since no ones understand

Step 1 > l2encdec -d weapongrp.dat weapongrp.dec (ok - so far ok!)
Step 2 > l2disasm -d weapongrp.ddf -e e-weapon.ddf weapongrp.dec weapongrp.txt (ok, so far OK!)
Step 3 > l2disasm -d e-weapon.ddf weapongrp.txt weapongrp.asm (Failure)
-> Editing or NOT editing the files will give you the error<-

L2 asm 0.97 by DStuff.

Decimal conversion unsuccessful.
Reading row error:
row: 0
field: 9 / 49 (name: durability)

Total allocated by pooler: 4198400

Even if get past the durability field in the generated ddf file, it goes wrong right after

Re: [Share3]L2 C6 Patched System

Maybe ill post here whats happening, guess its the only way, since no ones understand

Step 1 > l2encdec -d weapongrp.dat weapongrp.dec (ok - so far ok!)
Step 2 > l2disasm -d weapongrp.ddf -e e-weapon.ddf weapongrp.dec weapongrp.txt (ok, so far OK!)
Step 3 > l2disasm -d e-weapon.ddf weapongrp.txt weapongrp.asm (Failure)
-> Editing or NOT editing the files will give you the error<-

L2 asm 0.97 by DStuff.

Decimal conversion unsuccessful.
Reading row error:
row: 0
field: 9 / 49 (name: durability)

Total allocated by pooler: 4198400

Even if get past the durability field in the generated ddf file, it goes wrong right after

Re: [Share3]L2 C6 Patched System

I guess you dindt read it all, like everyone else....

i CAN open the files, i CAN descript them
i CANT put it all back to .dat It DOES NOT work.

For what i see there have been no changes in the file edit since i last downloaded it. So, do the full work before posting that you can edit the files, because thats what i said to everyone in here. It does not recrypt.

This happens ONLY with "weaponsgrp.dat" , the rest of the files are perfectly de-/encrypted...
This systen folder nor working in my Interlude... Sorry :(
Only word in LOGUIN: OLD METODE outer's systens

Thanks for your share.
Sorry my very bad inglish.
nice share man =)

but i had a litle problem that maybe you can help me :P

i can login but wen i chose my server nothing hapens and the server ping is 9999 i dono why, if someone can help me please do it :P tnx in advance, keep the good work ^^

I resolved the problem
the problem was rong ips in the server properties and login properties
tnx and keep sharing :P
great work dragonlancer

this works in the last off update i tested it 28-April-2007
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I used your system file and tried about everything i know to get it working ....
Error 1 = I get a game crash after login
Error 2 = the gamesever say's : The client isn't using the latest authentication protocol
So if anyone knows what to do ....

