[Share] Multisell Compiler L2J 

Dec 15, 2004
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A very very very basic program made in 5 minutes for my own personal use, but could be used by others, so I thought I would share.

Its to basically make multibuy lists with ease has blanks you click, then hit compile and it compiles it will all data filled in the blanks, with blanks saved for easier editing for same priced items.

"NOTE" it wasn't bug fixed so if you click in the Yellow/pink (depends on your monitor) area your list is surly to get messed up.

Just use the edit boxes at the top compile to add your item to your list, (Automatically numbers them), and save as a .xml file and your done.

Hope its of some use.

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Thanks :P my next share will be this, which the compiler was made for, A simplistic/sleek GMShop with less buttons to click, and a more standard gm shop for users.

progFX - [Share] Multisell Compiler - RaGEZONE Forums
nice ;)
make a html editor also so the gmshops are created can be edited
or even better the user can choose the way buttons are placed :)
Hmm, I could allways make one with multiple templates of how they are setup, like 3 columns, 2, etc and then just have boxes for them to fill in data :P but that would still require someone knowing exactly what they are doing or else no links wouldn't work :D

* Removed the whole view so you cant bugg it
* Added a small graphical increase
* Maximized efficiency on setup

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thanks. very helpful share. however, maybe make a compiler for HTML shop? i know its hard
Nice share, but I think in my opinion, since the multisells are damn easy to do and the only hard (if you wanna call it that way) is to get the items IDs, it would be nice to make the program as a first run setup to read the DB to get the names and ItemID and then show a droplist with the names to choose and when you select it write the corresponding ItemID instead the name. I think that would be a really good tool for making multisells...

Dunno... just my idea...

So good!! i like it ;)
i hope you won't be mad... but i have some suggestions:
1. Make conditions... To check if the ID's are in a range... 1-[...]
2. ID's/Enchant/Counts to be only numbers: 0-9, Enchant between: 0-65535? ...
3. Make a button to show more Ingredients / Production items... like: [Show More] maybe at least 5 boxes.
4.That's all for the moment... i'll post more if i think :P

:PS!:and one question ... you can asnwer it by PM: Can u tel me with what program did u make it? Visual Basic? :D tx
I love the new GM shop thingy. it pawns xD

upload when you want
A share for the gm shop, few items added afterwards that where noticed missing: D-B are missing poles and 2h swords, other then that we found nothing missing. So you might want to add those in yourself. Added a small readme to get it to work. Credit is apreciated remember, nothing worse then those leechers claiming that their "Non dev" teams made something new for them :P

P.S need to enable search again, its usefull.
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Nicest Shop i ever seen ^^ Nice work

Yeah... I used to love make shops with multisells, but i found one ugly thing on them... u can't make an SQL query to check them if they sell for more than they buy. That's something great you can do with the other type of shops...

Just my opinion...

A share for the gm shop, few items added afterwards that where noticed missing: D-B are missing poles and 2h swords, other then that we found nothing missing. So you might want to add those in yourself. Added a small readme to get it to work. Credit is apreciated remember, nothing worse then those leechers claiming that their "Non dev" teams made something new for them :P

P.S need to enable search again, its usefull.

This is really a fantastic share. But i wouldn